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I stood at the school steps waiting for my mother to come pick me up. I watched as other students left the building, walk home and smoke on school grounds.

"Shut up Dylan." I heard Jae's voice from behind

I turn around seeing the brunette girl and the blonde haired boy. "Oh hey new girl!" Jae chuckled

I waved silently turning my attention back to the cars that were driving past, hoping that it was my mother.

But it wasn't.

"Who you waiting for?" The girl lights up her cigarette.

"Probably her mom dickhead." Dylan said

"Shut the hell up bottom feeder." She replied

"Any fucking ways," she scoffed

"What are you doing after school?" She asked

"Nothing, just being bored in the house like always." I said nonchalantly

"Here." She exchanged her phone number with me.

"Meet back up here with me and Dylan on school grounds tonight at 8."

"To do what?"

"You'll see, I promise we won't disappoint you." She smiles toothy

I smiled at the girls response. "Kali get the fuck in the car." My mother said from a distance.

I turned around seeing my mom in her white 2014 ford focus SE. I rolled my eyes beginning to walk toward her car.

"Kali." Jae called

I turned around seeing what she had to say, "don't forget to bring a mask- like a ski mask." She said glaring.

I hesitated to respond. "Okay."

I closed my mother's door from behind me, "don't slam my fucking door Kali." She said

The smell of Alcohol linger from her mouth-her breath. I was turning my head to the back seats of the car seeing cans of beer everywhere. "Mom?" I said


"Why are you drinking again, you told me that you were going to stop."

"I changed my mind girl," she said pressing the pedal.

I buckled my seatbelt in, staring at her in disappointment. "Don't fucking look at me like that!" she yelled

"Take a look at yourself! look at the car, look at me!"


"I had a bad day at school today, thanks for asking." I sarcastically said

"Cool," she replied

"This is why I act the way that I do."

"And that's fine!"

"Then don't complain and bother asking 'where is the little Kali that I raised' because best believe she is gone!" a tear fell out my eye

"Cool," she said


I ran inside the house slamming the door. "Don't fucking slam my door!" her voice muffled once it closed.

I look at the messy living room that had newspaper on the ground, more cans of beer, and boxes of cigarettes. "Bro." I cried

I ran into my room and shut it locked not wanting to deal with her bull shit for the millionth time.

Mom told me two years ago when I was 16 she would stop drinking beer, but ever since Dad left she started the cycle again. Dad wasn't good for my health or hers, he used to abuse her all the time. She was so scared to call the police on him which was understandable so I did, I called the police on him and She got mad at me for doing that. But I was just trying to help her. I hated him for what he did but I hate her. She was a dummy for him, she was blind towards him. Nothing else mattered but him. She treated me like shit but when it came to him- it was rainbows and sparkles.

I heard footsteps coming my way, "Open the fucking door, Kali!" she yelled

"No," I replied back

"What the fuck did you say?!"

She bangs on the door continuously again- slamming her body weight at it. "Fucking Whore!" she yelled

"Look at you- you're just like him." I cried with my back against the door

"Shut up!!! Open the door."

I ran towards my dresser and grabbed my black ski mask placing it on my face. "Kali open the door!!" she yells

I opened my one-story window and jumped down. I didn't want to deal with her bullshit, I didn't want to deal with her. I had to go meet Dylan and Jae now to get my mind off her junkie mess.

I just couldn't.


I made my way in front of the school, walking my way up the steps quietly and that's when I got hit in the back of my head. "What the fuck." I rub my head

I turned around and saw two black masks humans. "Is that you Kali?" Jae said

"No, it's the boogie man." I took my mask off

"Put it back on!" she yelled

"Okay okay! Why are you yelling."

"Bitch we're about to do something illegal and there are cameras everywhere, do you want to get caught?"

"Well No-

"Then keep it on."

"Okay, but Something illegal?"

"We're going to spray paint these walls," he chuckles

"And then we're going to sneak inside the building and spray paint Mr. Anderson's classroom walls since he acts like a bitch all the time," Dylan says

"Mr. Anderson!? No, No- he will fail me and we could get expelled."

"Well, no one will know unless one of us snitches," Dylan said

"I don't know."

"I should've of known you was soft New girl."

I scoffed at her comment "Soft? Where is the spray paint."

Jae smiles from my response like that's what she likes to hear. She then drops down a big heavy black book bag on the ground. "Pick your paint, pick your colors, pick a wall." she chuckles

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