The first day

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Junior year.

For most Juniors going to HYH, it would just be another year, of course, a grade higher then what they were last year.

Not for Amber, unfortunately. She had just transferred from a few states away, and she now resided here, in a decently well known town called Mondstat.

"I'll be down in a second, mom!" Amber huffed, stuffing a few folders into her deep red Converse backpack, a few crumbs falling in a pocket from the pop tart hanging between her teeth.

She sighed, Looking at herself for a few seconds in her full body mirror, slightly adjusting her headband. The short girl wore a few layers, considering it was a chilly September morning. A light pink and brown, collared Carhartt jacket snuggled over her white sweater, as well as a cream colored skirt, with winter tights, and medium length leg warmers gently laid over her Converse.

She twirled a bit, as she finally slid her backpack over her shoulders, and dashed out her room and downstairs to meet her mom.

"Amber, Hun, what took you so long?" Her mom raised a brow, leaning on the door.
"Ahah.. sorry, I was fixing myself up." She smiled sheepishly, following her mother out the door and into the car.

The two got into the car, Amber buckling herself in the backseat, as her mom heated the seats and drove off.

"How are you feeling? I know it must be nerve racking.." Her mom smiled weakly, glancing back quickly at her daughter, then back to the road. "...I'm okay, I guess.." Amber sighed, hopelessly looking out the window. "Mm.. well, tell you what, I'll pick you up today, so you won't need to take any noisy bus. We cat stop by Mcdonald's or something on the way home." Her mom smiled, her eyes darting up to look at Amber from the rear view mirror. "Thanks, Mom.. I'll hold it to you." Amber smiled, as she tapped her finger on her lap, grimacing slightly as she saw the school approach from the distance.
"Kay, i'll see you later, Love you." Amber smiled nervously, waving her mom off as she drove away.

HYH was huge, and nearly held 2,000 students. Amber fidgeted anxiously as she began walking through the large doors. She was slightly pushed and shoved through the crowded halls, almost tripping over a few people. "J-jeez.." She gulped quietly, as she looked around for her current classroom. "505... 505.. oh, there it is." She mumbled to herself, as she peaked through the doorway.

The classroom was still decently empty, only a few students sat at desks. Amber shuffled into the room, taking a seat in the far back, groaning a bit as she set her backpack down.

"These people don't look.. too intimidating." She thought to herself, glancing around the room at the few students. Her eyes eventually wandered too the teachers whiteboard. It read, "Ms. Xianyun."

Around ten minutes passed, the class now seemed full. Soon enough, the bell rang in a high pitched yelp, causing Amber to flinch in the slightest. "Here we go.."  The brunette mumbled, slightly lifting her head.

She took one final glance at the people around her, the last person she laid her eyes on before the teacher was a taller girl... much taller. She had short, blue hair, and a black band tee.

"Alright, Class. This is biology, and you need to pass to graduate, so no dilly-dallying." Ms. Xianyun huffed, a stern but somehow gentle look in her eyes.
The teacher didn't assign any actual work. She was one of those teachers who thought it was unfair to start right away, and wanted to give students time to acclimate themselves to the new school year.

Which, of course, meant everyone else chatting about summer break, as Amber slumped limply down onto her desk, her eyes half open.

"Look, there's a new girl.." A brunette across the room hummed quietly, as she leaned up against a blonde. "We should say hi, she's probably not having a great time so far.." The blonde chuckled lightly, as she stood up, the brunette followed behind, lightly gripping her hand.

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