Art project

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Amber threw her backpack down to her floor, as she flopped down onto her bed, groaning. She stared up at her ceiling, as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, mumbling slightly.

"She gave me her number.. should I text her?"

She glared at her screen, before finally starting texting.

Hey eula, it's me, amber ! ^^

Eula :)
Oh, Hello amber.

You gonna show up for art tomorrow?

Eula :)
Yeah, i plan on it

Alright, see you on first period tmrw !!

Eula :)
Mhm, see you then, amber.

She smiled to herself... weird, she doesn't normally do that when texting people? whatever. Amber sighed, shaking her head, and smile away as she changed into more comfortable clothing.
Eula resided in her mansion. Her family was filthy- no, pure dirt rich.

"Wonder what she's up to? mm.. whatever.. I guess." Eula thought to herself, as she rolled over in her king sized bed. Her room was quite dark, the only light was from a lava lamp that sat on her shelf on the other side of her room. Eula's walls were mainly bare, besides a few posters. The smiths, Mitski, and... adventure time? It was her favorite show when she was younger. Still, nothing like her ballet, but it was her personal space.

She huffed, slowly pushing herself off her bed, and looking around in a dazed state. "Huh..." Eula sighed, her head hanging somewhat low. Her head ached. Not because of a migraine, or something like that, but because she couldn't get Amber out of her head.
The next day rolled around quicker then Amber would have liked, and she ended up staying later then recommended on a school night.

She groaned, her mom made her walk because she missed the bus from sleeping in.

Amber stumbled the whole way there, her boyfriend jeans didn't do too great keeping her warm, but her pretty white knit sweater did just fine.
Amber creeped into her first period, the door creaking unsteadily. "Err.. Sorry i'm late." She sighed, handing the teacher her pass. All Ms. Xianyun did was huff in response, as Amber scurried back to her desk.

"Why're you late?" Eul's hummed, slightly leaning back in her chair, trying to discretely look back at the brunette. "I slept in and missed my bus.." Amber pouted, pulling her scarf down from her face. "Pfft.. You a heavy sleeper?" Eula giggled, her voice a soft whisper. "Uh.. no, guess i'm just used to the summer schedule." Amber smiled awkwardly, as she leaned down onto the desk, resting her head in her palms. "Mm, alright, sleepy head." Eula grinned a bit, before turning back around so she wouldn't be yelled at. The comment made Amber blush, which caused her to slowly hide her face back in her scarf.
Lunch time again. It was the same as yesterday, except Amber felt slight more comfortable around everyone. She talked to some new people, some red haired guy named Diluc, these really nice twins, Aether and Lumine, and Jeans little sister, Barbara.

Amber enjoyed talking to Eula most, though. She wasn't sure why.. but, she was sure that she definitely enjoyed being around the girl, despite the two having complete opposite vibes.

"Mm, Hey Amber, our art teacher sent out emails to everyone yesterday, she said there's gonna be some group project going on." Eula mumbled through bites of food. "Oh, Really?" Eula nodded, as she swallowed. "Wanna be my partner?" The girls lips curled into a light smile. Amber smiled in return, "Yeah! I'm down." Eula nodded, as she looked back down at her food, but not before catching Lisa and Jean staring at her with mischievous grins.
Art again, of course... this time with Eula.

"How about Bob Ross? he's got like whole tutorials on his paintings, we could just follow one of those.." Amber hummed, tapping her pen on the desk. "Whatever you think'll be best." Nodded Eula, as she was jotting down things on a paper. "Kay!" Amber purred, giving a small thumbs up towards the girl.

"Since it's bob ross though.. mm.. how about you come over to my place?" Eula looked up from her paper, a gentle smile on her face.

"Go over.. to.. Eula's..?! N-no, wait it's not that big of a deal.. I go over to friends houses all the time.. hmph.."

"S-sure!" Amber stumbled in the slightest, biting her tongue. Eula nodded once more, her smiling groaning a bit wider. "Alright.. i'm free on saturday. And, please don't mind the maids... they're probably going to be opening the door for you."


"Oh- Yeah, Alright!" Amber nodded aggressively, a cheeky grin on her face. "Thanks, Eul's!"

"Eul's?! why the hell did I call her that..?!"

"...Eul's?" Eula chuckled, pink dusting her cheeks. "Sorry! It kinda slipped out..." Amber shook her head, her hands waving back and forth. "Uh- No, it's okay Amber, I don't mind." Eula shrugged, trying to ignore her own blushed cheeks. "Really? I can call you Eul's?" Amber suddenly gleamed, her demeanor now much more playful. The sudden switch caused Eula to flush a bit more, before nodding again.
The rest of the week rolled by soon enough, By friday, Amber had crashed onto her bed before she thought of stopping by and saying hi to her Grandfather, who was visiting for the weekend. She was excited to get to sleep, since she would be going over to Eula's house tomorrow. She wasn't actually sure if they would be doing any work, besides just hanging out, but she didn't mind.

Eula, On the other hand, couldn't get a wink of sleep. She tossed and turned, even took melatonin, and still, nothing. She wasn't nervous, (at least that's what she told herself) nor was she straight up scared... she had no clue what was up with her. Maybe it was her home? it's so big and spacious maybe it'd be like bragging... was it the art project? No... deep down she knew. She knew it was Amber.
"She'll be the death of me.."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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