Fifteen - Alliances

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It's Monday morning. And criminally early for X's standards. The sun wasn't even shining through their windows yet, because according to their phone, it was still 5:30, and still December when the sun wouldn't be up until around seven in the morning.

Rubbing their eyes as they got out of bed, they almost tripped on Smoky in the dark, who had also woken up early. Regaining their balance, X deeply apologized to the small shadow, which promptly stalked off into complete darkness, only making X's job of walking towards a light switch just that much harder.

X sighed, opening their bedroom door and traveling directly to the kitchen to dissociate while looking out the window and forgetting to eat. Letting their eyes wander into the street, X noticed a silhouette of somebody on top of the house across the street. Worried about possible home intruders, X almost called the police, before squinting out the window to see what number this potential burglar was.

It was just Eight, standing on their own roof. That's weird, X didn't remember a passage up to the roofs. They brushed it off, there was probably a ladder involved somewhere, before they received a text.

uranium eater: Please make sure to come into work today. Remember that I need to speak with you on an urgent matter.

X almost laughed at the comical name as it came up on screen, but had enough self control to keep it in. They were about to respond when another popped up to join the first.

uranium eater: I deeply apologize if this message woke you up.

X: 👍

After responding quite dryly to this text, X stretched in the kitchen, before remembering something that Four had said yesterday afternoon. They'd never seen the outside. It made them think for a while about it, they still had a bit of time before they actually had to start getting ready.

Searching through their kitchen drawers in the dark of night was a difficult task, especially when that particular drawer had stuff like needles and scissors, though they came back from it with all their fingers still intact, and a polaroid camera from their days of photography. A look of triumph came as X held it over their head, for nobody to see but Smoky, who meowed from the disembodied darkness around them.

Before the sun came up on the opposite horizon line, X snapped a picture of the night sky, the moon encircled by the trees that had lost their leaves a few months before. The stars were out, making X wonder for a moment if there was anything else out there. The thought rushed out of their head like running water as the clock inside their home struck six. Two hours before their normal wakeup, they'd have a lot of time to kill for this mini project. Hopefully Four wouldn't rip these apart.

As the hours dragged by, X gathered more and more pictures from around their house: the sun as it rose from the East, the orange color sky as it rose, along with the pinkish clouds of dawn. It was a quite pretty day, and they were practically hyperactive by the time reached 8:30, the normal time to leave for them.

Eight was still setting something up on their roof as X got into their car, taking a silent ride to work, only interrupted by their own thoughts of what Four would think about the pictures.

X assumed that Seven was already back in their lab, though they didn't really want to have a talk with them right this moment. Clocking in, they distracted themselves with menial tasks like getting breakfast for Four this morning.

The halls were quiet, and although comforting, it felt empty without the bustling masses of employees walking around and making conversation. They were never this early, and it showed in the slightest shuffle of their feet as they walked the empty catacombs.

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