-Kasper/Infected and Lampert's meeting-

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(Wallter and Mark recently got divorced) 

【  Notes: I have NO idea how to write stories so I'm sorry if the story is terriblez😔  】

Lampert walked around the IKEA bawling his eyes out, until he bumped into someone, he fell hard on his back to the hard concrete floor. He looked up and stared at the unfamiliar figure while wiping his tears away quickly. '

"H3y s0rry 4bout th4t... 4Re Y0u 0K4y?" the person spoke softly. "Huh? Oh uhm, yeah. I think." Lampert didn't know what to think, or say, they both made eye contact, as both of their hearts were racing someone suddenly yelled. "YOU'RE A LOSER!!", seemingly coming from a player passing by them, the player stared at them before dragging them to the elevator and throwing them in, they both fell on top of each other. "0ww.." The figure spoke, Lampert hurriedly got up and helped them up as well as they both went into different corners of the elevator. "you've never introduced yourself." Lampert would mumble. 

"0h y34H s0rRy 4b0ut th4t!, c4ll m3 1nf3ct3d." Infected tilted his head slightly, "wh4t 4b0ut uRs?" "Hm, my name is Lampert." Lampert would take notice of how Infected kept sniffling, his nose scrunching up. " You're going to get a sinus infection if you keep doing that." Infected would stare at him sheepishly before sneezing right on Lampert's arm "4H-Ch00!" (Grhhghagggshgrhhgsh I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT EXPRESSIONS GRHEGRGGR) "Eugh.." Lampert would groan quietly "Please cover your mouth next time..."

"S0Rry Br4h.. D1d th4t g3t 0N y4?" Lampert raised a eyebrow as he looked at his drenched arm before speaking in a sarcastic tone "Well what do YOU think huh?" Infected would giggle" J33Z S0rrY!" Lampert was visibly irritated by how bedraggled Infected looked but tried to ignore it anyways... obviously struggling like the clean freak he is. 

(This is a practice story :3)

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