Night Out

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Alastor gives each of us a plate, and it's venison. (I'm pretty sure that's deer?) I look at Alastor and he takes it out of the oven and cuts each of us a slice. My ears go down as I watch Alastor eat it. "Alastor... Wouldn't this make you a cannibal?" I ask. "Why of course my dear! I am indeed a cannibal!" He says in his cheery voice. I look at the venison, and I start eating it. "This is so good, Al! Thank you!" I smile and continue eating it. "It was my pleasure dear!" I giggle and continue eating.

Once we're done, I thank Alastor again and head over to the bar. I smile as I see Husk and say, "Hey Husk! Can I have some-" He interrupts me. "No. You can't have more than five shots of anything" I whine. "Why not?" He sighs. "Because you usually end up passing out!" I look away. "True... Hey, I'm gonna go to this club later tonight. Wanna come with?" I look at him hopefully. "Sure. As long as you don't have too much-" I interrupt him this time. "Alright I get it! We'll go in like 2 hours when it's dark. That's usually the best time to go!" Husk nods. "Okay." He said.

Ten minutes before we leave, I put some makeup on, take a quick shower, and get dressed and then I meet Husk by the bar and then we leave. I see Alastor watching us leave and I can't tell what he's thinking and he's grinning, no surprise. "Hey Husk...?" I ask. "Yeah?" "Does Alastor ever stop smiling?" I say while we turn a corner. "Well I've never seen him not smile." He says. "Oh." I get a little bored and my tail starts swaying again. I see Felix again and I smile. "Oh it's the cat again" Husk said as I walk over to Felix. "We're almost to the club." I say as we arrive. (this is Valentino's club) "Ooh look there's poles!" Husk sighs. I walk over to the bar, but a moth demon pulls me over to him. "Hello there baby... Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?" He said. I giggle and look at Husk, Then back at the moth demon. "Well, I guess not." Husk notices me and comes up to me. "Let her go" Husk said while trying to pull me away from him. "Aww come on, Husk! He's being nice!" I notice the demon grin.
"Y/n you don't know what he might do. He's an overlord." I look at him confused. "So like Alastor? I guess overlords are strong." Husk manages to pull my away from the demon. "Whatever you do, don't ever make a contract with him!" Husk seems a little nervous. "Okay..." The demon puts a hand on my waist and pulls me closer. "The name's Valentino" I smile "I'm y/n!" Valentino smirks at me. "Why don't we make a deal y/n? You sign a contract and I'll give you absolutely anything you want and I'll take good care of you" I glance at Husk who look more nervous, and I say "let me read it first" Valentino shows me the contract. I mumble some of the words. "If you sign it will give me control over you and..." My voice trails off, I step away from Valentino. "No!" I go back to Husk and I clutch his arm, my fingers trailing through his fur and I continue since he doesn't seem to mind. "Can we go, Husk..? Maybe to a different club?" I look up at him. "Sure y/n" I continue stroking his fur as we leave the club.

I let go of his arm shortly after we leave and I decide to ask him something. "Hey Husk...?" "Yeah?" He responds. "Would you consider us... Friends?" He goes quiet for a moment. "Yeah" my ears perk up at his answer. "Really?!" Husk smiles "yeah!" I smile. "Yay!" Once we reach the new club, it's really fun and Husk and I look around and there's a few poles, but no one's using them and the song 'Come Get her' starts playing as I burst out laughing. Husk sighs and I walk up to a pole. "Really, y/n?" I look at him as I go onto the stage. "What?" I look at him in question as I touch the pole. "I never thought you were into this... Stuff." I grin and do a small spin on the pole. "There's a lot you don't know about me". I do a quick little dance on the pole before I get off. I see Husk chuckling. "What's so funny?" I ask. "You did like 12 really fast spins and now you can barely walk straight!" I look down, then back at Husk. "Well I guess yeah." I walk to him and I notice I can't walk straight, but I shrug it off and continue walking toward toward Husk. I almost fall, but Husk catches me and helps me stand up straight. "Try not to get too dizzy y/n." I grin. "Well now I want to!" I run to the pole and practical throw myself on and start spinning exactly when the song says 'Somebody come get her, she's dancing like a stripper!'. I laugh, and I do fall off this time and everyone looks at me with confusion and then they go back to do their own thing. I walk toward the bar, and Husk walks after me. "If I need to carry you back again I won't." I stop and look at him. " carried me back?" My ears go down. Husk shrugs. "Yeah." I turn away from the bar and my gaze lands on on a door. My eyes light up as I read what it says. I grab Husk's hand and dragging toward the door. The sign said 'Dance room'. Husk stutters. "Y/n i-i'm not good at dancing..." I cup his cheeks with my hands and say, "me neither!" I smile and then we start dancing together.

We danced for like 30 minutes before we stumble out, laughing. "That was so fun!" Husk chuckles. "Yeah! I didn't think it would be fun, but it was!" I smile seeing him smile. I glance at the bar, and Husk notices. "We can have a few drinks. I guess-" I'm already ordering Cheap booze and vodka for Husk and me. I hand him the bottle of cheap booze and I grab the bottle of vodka. I open it, then I ask, "let's see who will get drunk first!" He smirks and nods. He says "three... Two... One... Go!" I put the bottle to my lips and begin chugging. A few minutes later, I finish before Husk and I set the bottle down. Husk finishes shortly after me and we're completely drunk. We start laughing and we run around the club, and eventually they kick us out.

We surprisingly find our way back to the hotel and we stumble over each other and Charlie helps us up. She doesn't bother to ask what happened and Alastor lays Husk on the couch, then he carries me to my room and lays me down on my bed and puts the covers on me. He does the same with Husk. Soon I wake up with a bad hangover. It's 3:24 in the morning and I realize how late Husk and I stayed out. It was a fun- I think, most of the memory is a blur but I remember dancing and spinning on the pole, and drinking. I fall asleep again and I couldn't believe what happened the next day.

Words: 1285
This might be the longest chapter I wrote and a cliffhanger!

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