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Main Lead : Mahir Andy Sehgal

29Yr Old Billionare
Hot & Handsome
CEO Of Sehgal Grp of industries
love His Parents & Siblings
' Nightmare of His Employees'

29Yr Old BillionareHot & Handsome CEO Of Sehgal Grp of industries love His Parents & Siblings Workoholic ' Nightmare of His Employees'

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Yuvraj Sehgal :
Little Brother Of Mahir

Kuhu Sehgal :
Sister Of Mahir

Sumitra sehgal : Mother Of Mahir

Andy Sehgal :Father Of Mahir

Now Sharma Family

Princess Of Sharma's: Bela

Bela Sharma : Billionaire Daughter

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Bela Sharma : Billionaire Daughter....Sassy, Beautiful, Kindhearted, Hot girl
Currently Complete Education
Naughty & childish, Bubbly girl
love Her Parents &Siblings

Aditya Sharma : Bela' Bhaiya

Anjali Sharma : Belas mom

vikram Sharma : Bela's Dad

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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