The Fall.

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Another perfect day in heaven... Just like the last one... and the one before that, and so on and so forth.

Rahmiel sat in his office in Paradise, near the high districts of Heaven. He was an Archangel. One of Gods actual Children. And so, he holds pretty high authority. he sighs as he sets down some paper, and stands up, stretching a bit. He was one of the few denizens of heaven to know about the exterminations. And he found them distasteful. He then sees a letter appear in his desk. A report from the last Extermination that just happened, detailing the casualty statistics of hell.

The report stated that under Adam, an up-and-coming general in the extermination unit, had led the charge and successfully eliminated a total of almost 5000 sinners.
5000 people, dead and gone at the hands of those who preached about Goodwill and peace on earth. Was this truly what God intended? The annual genocide of those who had wasted their lives. Was this really their punishment? Because he knows Punishment. And this? This is barbaric. He was the Archangel of Justice, but Justice is Blind, not Heartless. He had actually came to observe an extermination once, and... It sickened him...

He tears up the letter in anger and throws it away as he leaned against his desk, taking a few deep breaths. For all those Angels that Preach about being better than those they condemn, was it really all that black and white? Because all he sees is just too many shades of grey. He takes a moment to compose himself and stand up straight. He fixes his hair and straightens his tie.

Another letter appeared on his desk, this one in red paper as it was marked urgent. The content of the letter was far more than troubling. Adam was calling for a second extermination in six months' time. His reason?
"Because I can do whatever the fuck I want!" It said, with a little Adam face on the side.If it was left up to the council, Adam would most likely get his wish. Rahmiel wouldn't let this slide. He grabs the letter firmly, and he walks over to his Balcony, and jumps off, his wings spread, and flies straight to the palace above. To where his father presides.

On his way to see his father, Rahm had the unfortunate pleasure of running straight into Adam. "Sup Emo?" Adam said condescendingly "Where are you off to? The council meeting is about to start."

"Hello, Adam." Rahmiel said with a small glint of annoyance crossing his eyes when he sees Adam, but still spoke in a well-mannered tone. "I will not be attending. I have a matter I need to speak to Father about, and you are delaying me." He said, his hand still holding the letter tightly in his hand. He goes to fly past. Floating next to Adam were a few Exorcists.

"This wouldn't happen to be like last time, would it?" Adam asked as the exorcist got in his way "you remember... What was it, 5000 fucking years ago, you threw a temper tantrum because we started the extermination day?"

Adam floated up to his senior with a Smile on his face.
"Don't tell me you actually feel bad for those losers. Careful, if the big man heard you talking that way, he would cast you out just like your dip shit brother."

"Stop talking." He said to Adam calmly, using his Absolute Authority to get him to Shut up as his eyes glow a bright gold. And it works. And Adam could only glare as he was unable to speak due to this Divine being exerting it's will onto him.

Rahmiel looks back at Adam and says "I am not in the mood to entertain your idiocy, Adam. And much like your first wife, I am also not in the mood for your Entitlement. Now... Be good little Exorcists, and please... remove yourselves from my vicinity."

The exorcists obeyed, moving aside to let the angel through. Adam wanted to snap back, but Rahm's Absolute Authority kept his lips shut. He signals his exorcists to follow as they went to the council meeting, but he wasn't about to let this slide. He now had a new topic for them to discuss...

God sat on his throne, looking at the door expectantly, as he knew one of his children was coming this way. And Rahmiel, before he entered, takes a moment to make sure he is presentable, before he entered the throne room. He walks forward, and he kneels before God. "Father..." He kept his head down and waiting for permission to speak.

Archangel of Hell (Hazbin Hotel x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now