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don't mind the hazbin shit (I heart Adam)

vampire alejandro and vampire hunter tyler smut

they are aged up btw!

Noones POV.

Now, Tyler has always been influenced and trained by his father to kill any sinning soul that sucked blood. Dirty vampires. Sure, Tyler has made a friend with a vampire once. Once. They were children. A little hispanic boy, with bursting green eyes. But, who expected that they'd ever see each other again?

Tyler walked into a forest, in the dead of night. He wanted to hunt a vampire for his father that night, for his father to be proud of him for completing his training to become a real vampire hunter, and this was the last "quest" he had to do before it was confirmed. Tyler creeped around the forest but he felt as though someone was following him. He then heard a twig snap.

"S-show yourself!" Tyler cowardly exclaimed as he looked over at where he heard the snap. "I'm not afraid of you!.."

"Hmm.. you are.. very peculiar, I must say. You very much remind me of someone.." A deep and accented voice butchered through the forest, burning into Tyler's ears as he desperately looked around for this foe. "W-who are you!? What do you want!?" Tyler nervously asked as he kept looking around, his hands shaking with a stake in his hands.

"You are.. a very funny one, aren't you? I believe you are.. that one child I met when I was I meer toddler.. you must be that little athletic boy, hm?" The voice rang through Tyler's ears. Suddenly, a tall, dark man stood in front of Tyler, inspecting him. Tyler fell back into the ground, holding his stake up. "Oh, calm down now. I may be a vampire but these fangs don't draw blood unless they want to.. now be more mature, and let's put that weapon down, shall we?" This vampire's voice was almost.. intoxicating, and it lured Tyler in.

"B-b-but.. I-i.." Tyler couldn't speak without stuttering once or twice. He lowered his stake, The vampire lowering down and crawling on him. The vampire took a look at Tyler's neck, lowering his face to it. Tyler trembled with fear, but was only met with a kiss. He seemed extremely shocked, and confused. "W-what.. I-i.." "you are a very.. cute thing, almost a stuffed little bear just waiting to be held. And your body looks absolutely wonderous.." The vampires finger trailed up to Tyler's chin, pulling his face up to look at him. "A-alejandro?.." Tyler immediately recognized who this mysterious figure was when he got a better look at his face. "Correct, amigo.. and you must be.. Tyler. Hmph. You look quite adorable when you are afraid.. you look like a good fresh bit of meat.." Alejandro teased and teased, taunting Tyler. "P-please don't eat me, i-ill do anything, just p-please!" "Anything, you propose?" Alejandros voice got a little lower.
"Y-yes! Just please!"

Alejandro chuckled. "How about.. a night of.. passionate love, my darling?.." Tyler blushed instantly, his face turning all red and cute. "I-i.. you mean.. well.. I've never been with a guy like that.." Tyler mumbles out nervously as Alejandro got dangerously close to his lips, almost kissing him. "You don't need to be experienced at all.." Alejandro's hand glided across Tyler's, giving Tyler a fuzzy feeling he hasn't felt for a hot minute. "Just because you haven't been with a man before doesn't mean that we cant try it out.. Trust me, I am very skilled when it comes to pleasuring not only myself, but my partners.." Alejandros whispers of promises and love sent Tyler over the edge. "If I do this.. you.. you have to bring me a dead vampire.." Tyler's shaking voice brought up to Alejandro. "Why might I do that?" Alejandro responded with a glare. "If.. if I don't succeed in killing a vampire tonight.. my dad might as well kick me out.."

"Oh, you'll kill in bed, I promise~" "i-im being serious!" Tyler yelled out, louder then expected. "I guess I can grasp one of the smaller vampires I've already killed. How does that sound?" Alejandro smiled, his fangs showing. "That's great! That works!" Tyler smiled big and wide, before Alejandro's lips connected with his. Tyler let out a noise before Alejandro held his face with one hand, kissing Tyler sweetly and using tongue. Tyler slowly closed his eyes as his face started to turn to a darker shade of red. Alejandro only broke away from him for air, their lips instantly connecting back together after he got the air he needed. Tyler gradually started to kiss back, feeling Alejandro's fangs graze against his tongue. Alejandro broke away from Tyler, pulling him up and leading him into the darkness of the forest. Alejandro led him into a very old cabin, pushing Tyler down onto the bed that was located in the corner of the cabin. Alejandro unbuttoned Tyler's shirt and pants, and took Tyler's "kit" for killing vampires off of him that was wrapped around his waist. Tyler was looking very flustered, and he got even more flustered when Alejandro placed his hands on his waist, kissing Tyler. Tyler aggressively kissed him back, starving for his love and touch. Tyler was very clearly excited, and Alejandro broke the kiss to unbutton his own velvet shirt. He slipped it off his shoulders, throwing it on the ground. Alejandro then unbuckled his belt to his black, leather pants. Tyler overlooked Alejandros muscular and vieny body, frozen. His breathe intensified as Alejandro approached his neck, licking it and nibbling it. He traced it with kisses, Tyler quivering under all the affection he never really got. Alejandro kept kissing further down, his hands holding onto Tyler's waist.

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