ten ; report

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Tord sighed, running his fingers along the rigid bump on his curved nose. It had stopped bleeding but was still incredibly swollen and most definitely broken. It hurt to touch, but Tord couldn't help it. It was like wiggling a lose tooth. You keep going back for it.

"How are you holding up?" questioned Edd, now standing in the bathroom doorway.

"Fine," Tord stated.

Edd nodded, slowly. "Kayy.. want something to eat?"

"Yeah that'd be nice." Tord smiled.

"Okay. How's chicken noodle soup sound?"

"Great," Tord chuckled.

"Cool! I'll holler when it's done." Edd returned the smile and left, walking to the kitchen.

Tords smile stayed plastered to his face for a while. He was happy Edd was warming back up to him. Tord took another glance at himself. His eye wasn't as swollen anymore, and he couldn't feel it much. It had only been a few hours, so it was still very pigmented. Tord sighed, deciding he wasn't doing anything productive. He turned and left the bathroom, flicking the light switch with his thumb.

He found himself in the living room, taking a seat next to Tom who was watching TV.

"Hey," he greeted, softly.

Tom met his gaze. "Hey,"

His voice was tender, laced with worry. It made Tords heart ache.

"Feeling better?" Tom asked.

"Sort of."

It was quiet after that, but it was comfortable. Tord looked at the TV, but Tom kept his eyes on him. He exhaled, pitying the pain Tord was in. He reached up and traced the wounds and scratches with his thumb. Tord didn't move, glancing to Tom.

"What are you doing?" Tord asked.

Tom sighed and took his hand back. He shrugged.

"I feel bad for you."

Tords brows furrowed. "Really?"

Tom snorted. "Yeah. You guys paint me as such an asshole, sometimes. I have empathy, I promise," Tom joked, his smile contagious to Tord.

"Well thanks, I guess." Tord shrugged, looking down at his folded hands.

"So what was up with that guy from the army?" Tom crossed his legs.

"Oh... uh. I mean, he's from the Red army's rival army so you can imagine he doesn't like me."

Tom rolled his eyes. "Well, duh. But like- what was he running at you for? Did you do something to him?"

Tord grimaced. He knew exactly why that man was running for him. Tord had killed that man's family for attempting to escape one of their torture camps. It made him shiver. The man he used to be still shocked him.

"I don't... I don't know."

Tom sighed, knowing Tord was lying but deciding not to push.

"Do you think he'll look here?"

Tord shook his head. "No, probably not."

"What do we do if he does?"

Tord paused, clutching his hands together tightly. "He won't. But... probably I would call Paul and Patrick."

Tom nodded, slowly. He wondered about how they would move forward. Not only was Tom trying to figure out how he feels about Tord, but now there's a man after Tord. Could it get any worse?

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