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In the dimly lit corner of a rundown bar nestled in the heart of Los Angeles, Joe Anoa'i, also known as Roman Reigns, sat with an air of quiet authority, his presence commanding attention even in the midst of the insane atmosphere. The scent of stale beer mingled with the faint aroma of sweat, creating an ambiance that matched the gritty determination etched into Joe's rugged features. His beard was beginning to thicken with hinges of grey that appeared in certain areas of his facial hair, his eyes looked sunken and dark; indicating that he hadn't slept in days.

As the reigning undisputed champion of the WWE, he was accustomed to the spotlight and having to wrestle matches here and there; but here, in this mere of a shadow enclave, he sought solace from the demands of fame. With a nod to the bartender upon ordering his alcoholic beverage, a glass of Hennessy materialized before him inside of the local bar, its amber depths reflecting the flickering neon lights from outside of the club were more than bright from across the bar. The light shined through the glass window, instantly getting his attention as he turned his head.

Across the room, the rhythmic pulse of music beckoned, drawing him into the dimly lit confines of a nearby strip club. He moved with purpose, his every step was nothing more than a testament to his unwavering confidence. As he navigated the dimly lit streets of Los Angeles, the neon lights of bars and strip clubs beckoned like beacons in the night, promising an escape from the ache of heartbreak.

Upon walking inside after departing from the bar, the sultry strains of music simply filled the air, mingling with the seductive movements of dancers bathed in a variety of colors. Many of which worn flashy-like colors and some worn outfits that were in different patterns.

Yet amidst the allure of the exotic performers, Joe remained a silent observer of these women from afar, his gaze unwavering as he contemplated the transient nature of fame and fortune. There he stood from afar as he watched the exotic dancers swing around the poles as the music continued to fill the atmosphere. As the night wore on, amidst the pulsating rhythms and dimly lit lighting inside of the local strip club in Los Angeles, Joe found himself lost in the anonymity of the crowd, a solitary figure in a city that never slept.

Joe sat perched on a plush leather seat, with a half-empty bottle of his Hennessey in his firm grasp. The amber-like liquid burned down a path in his throat, warming him from within and casting a gentle haze over his senses.

From his viewpoint, he watched as the exotic dancers moved with a mesmerizing grace. Despite their sexy and seducing movements against a pole, Joe again remained a distant observer. Occasionally, a slight flash of recognition would pass through the eyes of those around him. While he continued to enjoy the moment of the hypnotic cadence of the dancers' movements, he found a fleeting sense of liberation, a temporary fix in his broken-down life while he proceeded to sit down and watch these women from afar once more.

As the night continued, Joe still remained seated with his bottle of Hennessy in hand; however, he began feeling the small edges of his of his consciousness blur, his thoughts drifting into a realm of intoxication. In this moment, he was surrounded by the sultry allure of the dancers and the aroma of liquor that simply filled the entire room. Joe embraced the freedom of anonymity, reveling in the simple pleasures of the present, doing his hardest to forget about the past when it came to his past ex-girlfriend named Serena.

Despite the glitz and glamour of the world of professional wrestling surrounding him, Joe found himself engulfed in nothing but a tangled web of memories of his thoughts that were suddenly drawn back to his ex-girlfriend. He was hoping for nothing more but to drown out the echoes of lost love that haunted his every waking moment. Yet for all the distractions that surrounded him, the specter of his ex-girlfriend lingered like a shadow, a constant reminder of what once was and what could have been.

While Joe continued to down the rest of his Hennessy, his train of thought about Serena quickly diminished as he quickly noticed a beautiful woman from afar. His sudden gaze was drawn to a figure that was bathed in an ethereal glow, moving with a grace that seemed to transcend the confines of the dimly lit strip club.

As she danced without a care in the world, her movements seemed to tell a story in his darkened-brown eyes, a tale of heartache and redemption.

As Joe stumbled out into the cool night air, the echoes of the strip club fading behind him, his mind remained dimmed by thoughts of Serena. Despite the haze of alcohol clouding his senses to think properly, a singular determination burned within Joe; a resolve to seek out the woman who had captured his attention throughout the night.

He knew he had to see her again, that mysterious woman, to unravel the mystery that surrounded her and to discover the depths of her soul hidden beneath the façade of the exotic dancer that he caught a glimpse of back at the local strip club.

However, his mind was still clouded with alcohol and he still wasn't thinking straight. He attempted to find his way back to a nearby hotel in walking distance and luckily for him, there was a hotel only three minutes away from his current location. Upon making his way into the hotel, he checked-in and immediately crashed for the night once he entered the room and plopped down onto his bedding. His drunken thoughts continued to consume him until he passed out for the remainder of the night.

Unfortunately, he was drained. The mere thoughts of his ex-girlfriend, Serena, was making him feel as if he was losing his mind; then the woman from earlier suddenly appeared back into his lonely thoughts from the strip club. She was beautiful in his eyes. Her golden brown skin, her long, black hair and her beautiful pearly-white smile was enough to make him fall for this woman, yet he was still reminiscing on the past between him and his past lover that had broken his heart. At the same time, he didn't know why, but he was more than determined to meet this mystery of a woman; to build some sort of connection with her as soon as possible.


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{... and this was only the beginning.}

A/N: Hello! It's been many months since I've published a book. Thank you to everyone for being patient with me and waiting for me to write after months of a hiatus! I'm sure a lot of you came from my "Primed For Sin" book; however, I've been extremely busy and also struggling massively with writers block, too. In the meantime, I've also been learning some more techniques when it comes to my writing and hoping that you guys will enjoy my new writing style.

I hope you guys enjoy the book! 🥰

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