★,, my feelings

45 13 4

this fucking place isn't a place anymore
this is a literal fucking hell
in here, I feel so sore
in their sweet trap, I blindly fell

i don't need to kill myself
I'm already dead
by these people, who think it's a game
but only if they knew, how much of my strength it takes

i promised myself, that I
from now on wouldn't care
but I'm not even that strong
I'm just a human afterall

i wanna die, I really do
and the reasons for this
are all of you
those old days, oh how badly I miss

I tried everything to be strong
to not give a shit about you
but oh that journey was too long
when you started treating me like shit
all my strength and happiness flew

this might be short
perhaps may not explain clearly
but I wish you understand my feelings
I really mean it sincerely

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