𝒕𝒘𝒐, time of acceptance

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the angered imp cursed under his breath as he walked several blocks back to his office building. who needs a prick like him anyway? this was the first real fight between him and the prince. blitzø was caught off guard by this sudden burst of emotion. he was angry at the prince,  angry at the world, but also somehow sad. he kept in mind how much the prince enjoyed his company, and it wouldn't be long before he came to his senses.

the door to the i.m.p slammed open, startling the employees inside. a low growl came from blitzø's lips as he made his way down the hall to his office. moxie and milly, who hadn't seen their boss all day were confused by this sudden outburst.

"is something the matter sir?" moxie asked. the last thing he remembered talking to blitzø about was the grimoire and how the prince needed it for some unknown reason.

"stolas took the book back, which means we're out of a job till that feathered asshole comes to his senses." blitzø explained, his tail whipping back and forth like a pissed-off cat.

"did you guys have a fight?" the concerned milly asked. the relationship between her boss and the heir to the throne has been rather complicated ever since their last mission. somehow, her ignorant employer has always found a way to ignore the signs of stolas' undying affection. and though the prince made his feelings crystal clear, blitzø refused to believe someone that powerful would want anything to do with him.

"no- well yes.. it's complicated alright." his voice became soft as he explained. "do you maybe want to talk about it?" the smaller imp offered an open ear.

blitzø scoffed at the idea of sharing his feelings. "oh please moxie, if i wanted to rant about my shitty problems to someone i would hire a crappy therapist to bitch to." he made a swift motion towards his office. "now if anyone needs me you know where to find me." he stated before slamming the door behind him.

moxie and milly exchanged worried glances. both wondered whether or not the other was going to confront him. the white-haired imp was the first to break eye contact which caused milly to frown.

"shouldn't one of us go talk to him?" she asked, taking the empty seat next to her husband. she rubbed his arm while the other imp was deep in thought.

moxie gave her a reassuring smile, "nah, i think he just needs a bit of alone time to burn off some steam, i'm sure he'll bounce back in no time." she smiled back at him. he was right, no matter what happened blitzø always bounced back in one peace.

"okay." she placed a kiss on his forehead. as much as they wanted to believe he would be okay, they both had this unsettling feeling brewing in their guts. she rested a hand on her husband's cheek and listened to him purr, "if you say so."

a couple hours passed in hell and still, blitzø's door remained shut. milly was obviously worried something might have happened to him, there hadn't been so much as a peep since he slammed the door. she kept bugging moxie with these questions till he couldn't take it anymore. for both of their sakes, moxie had to be the one to check in on him.

he paced back and forth outside the door. as much as he wanted to make sure blitzø was doing alright, he also didn't want to get yelled at for disrupting his boss's valued alone time. moxie swallowed his unease and knocked on the wooden frame.

he listened for the screech of blitzø telling him to piss off, but was surprised when he was met with nothing but silence. he knocked again, a bit louder this time to make sure no one was inside before cracking open the door. "sir? are you in there?"

he pushed in the door, being met with a strong breeze from the open window. the velvet curtains flapped restlessly in the wind. he was gone. moxie put his hands on the ledge and peered down onto the chaotic streets below. honking vehicle horns and shouting from various fights. he was about to get back inside when he heard the sound of tapping metal nearby.

thats when the sight of a hidden ladder caught his eye. confused but also curious of where it might lead, moxie grabbed ahold and began his climb to the top.

he soon reached the roof of the office building, seeing how high he was from the ground before taking a quick look around. used condom wrappers and opened beer cans littered most of the area with trash and other filth. moxie avoided stepping on the garbage as he made his way around the corner.

there, curled into a tight ball with his knees pressing against his chest was blitzø. a couple packs of empty beer bottles surrounded him as his tail lay flat. soft muffled sobs filled the air making the smaller imps heart ache. moxie hated seeing his boss like this, when he drank too much he became a very emotional drunk.

moxie reached out, placing a hand on the other's shoulder and watching him flinch from the sudden touch. obviously not expecting to see moxie right behind him.

𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, stolitzWhere stories live. Discover now