Part 19

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Days had gone by since Katsuki last saw you after that incident. He was glad that Mitsuki took care of Kazui for a while since he didn't know where to leave him except for his parents of course.

Katsuki has been arriving at an empty house and he doesn't like it. He doesn't like how it changed drastically all because of what he did.

A stupid shit...

"Bakugo! What happened?!" Eijiro was quick to his side when he saw his friend standing and obviously stunned.

"Katsuki!" Eijiro called out once again, this time shaking the stunned Katsuki who look finally blinked.

Katsuki just slowly turn his head to Eijiro and looked at him. He's speechless. His breathing is rapid, his face is all sweaty, and his heartbeat is quick but painfully tight.

"Katsuki," Eijiro called out for the third time. He was worried after he saw Y/n's teary eyes.

"Kacchan!" Izuku called out running his way to Katsuki along with the others behind him. "Why was Miss Y/n crying?" Izuku asked worriedly.

Katsuki's eyes were blazing as he turn his gaze to Izuku.




"I'm going to sleep," Katsuki said pushing Eijiro off of him and heading toward his bedroom almost instantly.

As soon as he got in, he slammed the door shut behind him.

What has gotten into him?

Katsuki was still in shock. He couldn't believe what he just said. He couldn't ignore your pained facade. He couldn't disregard your tears.

The happening was replaying over and over in his mind and he couldn't obliterate it making him incline back on his door, slowly gliding down until he was fully seated on the floor.

"Y/n," he whispered, darkness engulfing him.


"We are glad to inform everyone that the establishment is fully developed. Thanks to the heroes who assisted us in the process. A special thanks to..."

The school was finally constructed as you listen to the news.

How many days has it been? 2? 3? Since that happened.

Eijiro keeps on checking up on her through messages but she was overly tired, exhausted, and drained, to even move an inch.

She never received a message from him though. Not a single note.

You were still bewildered about why he reacted that way. You needed explanations of course, but in this condition, it's better to just mull over it. Confronting him would just be ridiculous at this point.

"I don't know anymore.." Y/n whispered to herself as she embraced her knees. "Why do things happen like this."

She even ponders how will Katsuki explain things to Kazui. She just stops coming over. Who was taking care of him? Was it his mom? His friends?

Suddenly, her phone rang for the nth time of the day. Checking the caller ID, it was Eijiro.

The poor guy was extremely worried.

Sighing to yourself, you pick up the call.

"Y/n!! Finally! I was so worried."

Eijiro's voice made you smile slightly.

"Look, I don't know what happened. I tried asking Katsuki but he's just shoving me away. Not that it's new. But just not in this manner. I don't know what occurred between you two, it's driving me insane just thinking that I couldn't help you guys. Midoriya and the others are worried as well. They're still hoping I could get at least something out of both of you but I always come out with nothing."

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