Chapter 1 (Again!)

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"Pip, you better not tell Dane about this! I know you're a snitch, and snitches get stitches!" I shoved two large shopping bags all the way into the back of the pool house, then slid a large bin of chlorine tablets in front of them so Dane wouldn't see.

I quickly exited the pool house with Pipsqueak on my heels and shut the door. I hurried inside and checked my phone for the time, Dane would be home any minute from work!

I ran my hand through my hair, it had gotten really long since I hadn't cut it. I wandered over to the kitchen and opened the fridge, bending down slightly to look for something to snack on.

I heard Dane's car pull into the driveway and smirked.

That's something I could snack on right now.

I shut the fridge and rushed over to the front door and opened it right as Dane was about to. He jumped a little and broke out in that big goofy smile I loved so much.

"Well hello there!" He laughed and picked me up by my waist and I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Hello!! I missed you so much!!" He laughed as I kissed all over his face. "How was work??"

"It was a long day for sure, I'm just happy to be back home with you. I missed you so much baby boy." He kissed my nose, his beard ticking my skin and causing me to giggle.

"Sooooo, what you're saying is you need a nice hot bath?" I smiled wickedly.

"Mmm, only if you take it with me..." He pushed me against the wall firmly, making me gasp. He moved his hands down to my ass and squeezed it as he started kissing my neck gently.

"Mmm, is that your taser in your pocket or are you just happy to see me Officer?"

Dane smiled against my skin and mumbled, "You know my taser is on the back of my belt..."

I giggled and gasped as he bit my neck, grinding his growing erection against mine.

I heard my phone ringing across the room but ignored it, unbuttoning Dane's uniform as he continued to kiss and bite on my neck and collar bone.

My phone kept ringing, over and over. What could possibly be so important!?!

Dane pulled away slightly and sighed, "Just go get it baby."

I groaned in protest as he set me down. He smacked my ass and I squeaked before running to my phone. Dane took off his shirt the rest of the way and took off his belt, hanging up his gear.

I picked up my phone and I had 3 missed calls from Nathan.

Doesn't he know I'm busy!?!

I called him back and he picked up on the second ring.

"There you are!" Nate exclaimed.

"What. The. FUCK. Do you want!?!"

Dane gave me a look, I smiled innocently. I mouthed, 'Nathan' at him and he shook his head.

"Hey hey hey, is that how you greet me now??"

"Uh yes, when you're blowing up my phone! What do you waaaant?" I pouted, watching Dane pull off his undershirt.

"You're ruining my life Nate!" Dane called out.

Nathan laughed, "Hey, Willow is the one who demanded I call you! She really wants you to come over for a playdate tomorrow and wouldn't take no for an answer."

Suddenly I wasn't mad anymore, I giggled happily, I couldn't be mad at Wil!

"I would love that! Hold on!" I looked at Dane, "Hey, can we go to Nate and Wil's tomorrow? Pleaaaase???"

Dane smiled and nodded, "Of course baby, i can't say no to you."

I squealed happily, "What time should we be there?"

"Well if you wanna come over around noon that would work," Nathan laughed and I could hear Willow giggling in the background.

"Bring Pip! Bring Pip!" I heard Willow squeal happily.

"Otay Wil!" I giggled and watched Dane walk to our room, "I'm so so excited!"

"Alright Ev, we'll see you tomorrow then. And tell Dane I said 'Boohoo'" Nathan said teasingly.

I giggled more and said okay before hanging up. I set my phone back on the counter and pulled my shirt off. I walk into the bedroom and pull my skinny jeans off, keeping my boxers on for now. I peep into the bathroom through the cracked door and admire a very naked Dane drawing a bath for us.

God damn.

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