Even the DEVIL was once an ANGEL... ²

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The Angel Kingdom is where one resides only due to the generosity and good deeds . In contrast, the Devil Kingdom is where the darkness and evil wanders. That's what the kids are taught , unknown to them, evil resides not just in those who appear evil but also in those whose faces glow like the Sun. _____________________________

The first thing Ishan saw in the hall was how brightly lit it was. It hurted his eyes as it was too bright for him to handle. He somehow managed to pull a straight face despite all the lights that flashed. Soon, he found himself adapting to the surroundings.

The Royal Guards bowed to him in respect to which he slightly bowed his head in return. As he moved forward with one of the guards guiding him towards the King, he observed his  surroundings thoroughly, his mind never off guard.

They soon spotted the King and the guard left. Now it was Ishan all alone. He walked confidently like he owned the heaven. Even the King himself got a jump scare at the attitude. He didn't like how the Devil was waking towards him with such sly eyes.

But he wouldn't dare behave disrespectful against the chosen one. So, he himself started walking to Ishan too. Ishan upon approaching the King, bowed as a prince he was. The King couldn't help but be happy upon the action.
To say it more logically, it was satisfactory for the King to see the chosen one lower his head infront of him. Oh, how much he hated these damned Devils.

"It's my pleasure to have the benign presence of the chosen one himself on my son's birthday!" exclaimed the king with a sugar coated tone.

A low chuckle left Ishan's lips. He grasped on the situation real quick and reverted back with, "It's all due to His Royal Highness' kind invitation!". The tone reflected an assuring sinister intention.

"I may be the Devil between us but you're no less, Dear Angel King!" thought Ishan, smirking when he saw the King gazing him, his eyes laced with pure hatred.

"So, let's get you introduced with the Prince" uttered the King, not wanting to conversate with the pale guy longer.
"Behind you, Your Highness!"


It had been about an hour or two that Ishan stood beside the sole Prince of Heaven. Well , that's what he thought. But to his disappointment, mere three-four minutes had passed. They both were done with the introduction and stuff. Now, they were left alone as the Prince wished so. When he saw the ore, he couldn't help but bow and kiss the back of his palm. While Ishan wished this all to end sooner.

A memory of Shubman poking his cheeks flashed before him when he looked at the Prince in the eyes. To think he saw Shubman even before today's official meeting, he felt slight uncomfortable at the thought. His discomfort doubled when the other started staring intensely at him. The worst wasn't the continuous stares, but the taller was blushing profusely alongside. It creeped the shit out of Ishan. But suddenly he saw the smiles fading.

While Shubman was on cloud nine that he got to see the adorable baby once again. He was attracted to him from the first moment he showed up at the party. He couldn't bring to keep his smiles to himself. But it didn't take long to turn the smiles into frowns when he realised the latter was the baby who he is destined to kill by his own hands. He excused himself and went towards his mother.

While Ishan sighed in relief. He was glad that finally he was alone , alone enough to study the surroundings. His senses being sharp, he heard some whisper yells in the King's voice.
"He's at it , huh!" thought the ore , smirking at the stupidity of the Angel King.

On his way to his mother, Shubman stopped hearing his father's voice. He wanted to address him about him going to his mother for a while. But his world fell apart when he approached near.

"Why cannot you do a single task? All what you need to do is drug him with Wisteria so that I can let Shubman finish his chapter today only!" snapped the King at his most loyal guard. His tone reflected pure hatred towards the Devil, while he whisper yelled. He took was aware of the fact that Ishan had sharp senses.

The guard looked up only to see Shubman approaching and shivered more in fear. The King noticed the reaction and turned towards his son. He smiled, "Uh son, you're here. Come, I was talking about you only. I've an amazing news to share-"

"No dad, I disagree with you." his voice stern, coated with pure disgust.
"Huh? I didn't even say a word!" exclaimed the King with a sharp laughter.
"Dad, all my life until now I had considered your words my work, but... not today!"
"What are you talking about son?" acted the king as if he was confused.
"It wasn't my prior motive to eavesdrop. But yes, I do know what you want me to do and i disagree to that!"
"Hahaha! Very well- as expected of my son. So, now that you know, chop that devil's head off his body and fulfil the prophecy!"

"Where's the kindness Angels have?. Angles even sacrifice themselves for the unknown's well being, still he's the one we invited!" He took a long pause before starting again, "What you're asking me to do is a treason, treason towards the Almighty!"

"I'm not asking you as a father, I'm ordering you as the King of this Empire. And you as the Crown Prince, need to show your loyalty towards the nation!" roared the king in anger.
Shubman chuckled bitterly in return, "I'm loyal towards the whole universe, until you decide to show me your true colors. I'm ashamed of calling you as a father!"
With this Shubman left the place and ran to where Ishan was, smirking all alone.

"Holy cow!" cursed the the King. "You left me no choice son. It's either you kill him or I pass orders to kill you both!"
The guard stood shocked at the decision of the King to kill his own flesh.


Bye bye sweets👽

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