We Meet At Last

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       Scorching rays of sunlight beat down on the barren desert floor. There was no breeze to ease the pain of the almost unbearable heat. Days like this were terrible for the people who lived in the desert. The rebels who fought against the cruelty of BL/ind and the souls who dared to attempt an escape from Battery City. To be out on a day like this with the irradiated sun giving no relief was dangerous to sanity and could even kill. 

     Despite the conditions of the weather, the sound of tires screeching down the abandoned roads could be heard in the distance, followed by blaring music. Soon a beat-up white TransAm, with the top down, came into view. A group of four people dressed in crazy colors and masks seemed to be enjoying the wind blowing around them because of the speed of the car. Giving them some relief from the heat. Their relief came to an end when the car screeched to a stop at the base of a hill. The music cut off, and they all jumped out of the car. 

      "Yo Party, why are we stopped here? I thought the Dracs were further up the road by like... five miles?" A shorter man with a pullover zombie mask that was half rolled up asked as he walked up to a taller man who wore a yellow masquerade mask with blue dots. His hair was a fiery red and he held himself like a leader. 

       "Yeah, they are Ghoul. But I thought I heard a second set of tires. And do you hear that? It sounds like howling static." The leader, Party, replied. 

      Ghoul froze and looked around them as if now scared. "You mean you think you hear the Black Knight? I thought that was a myth. Maybe you just caught too many rays. Lets head home. Get you some shade."

      "No, I hear it. Don't you?"

     Ghoul stopped talking and listened closely to the sounds around them. There weren't many to hear since it was a barren wasteland, so after a moment of really trying to hear he did in fact hear what Party was referring to. "You gotta be kidding. No. You just freaked me out is all. There ain't no way that thing is real. Nope. Nuhuh. I believe in the witch and destroya and all that but not the Black Knight."

     "You've seen the witch." Party rolled his eyes and walked over to the others. Before he could inform them of his hunch, there was the sound of several cars on the roadway. The four were hidden behind the hill which meant they couldn't be seen from the road, so Party hushed his crew and climbed up the hill. Staying low to avoid detection. The others soon joined. All barely peeking their heads over the top of the hill. 

       Four pristine black TransAms came to a stop in the middle of the road. Several Dracs came piling out of the vehicles. Their laser guns locked and loaded. All of them turned in unison to face the direction of where they came from. Silence fell for only a moment before the sound Ghoul and Party had been hearing got louder. Only now the sound was accompanied by the sound of a revving engine and screeching tires. 

      About two hills back from where the Dracs were facing, came a jet-black motorcycle. The rider was clad in all-black leather. Lots of their clothes looked faded and dirty. Bits of black tattered cloth hung down from the jacket and pants which gave the rider a phantom-like appearance. They revved the bike and seemed to stomp their black leather boots down on their rests to steel themself as they rode up a semi-tall hill.  There was no telling how the rider felt due to a black hood covering their face. How it stayed on was a mystery. They were now flying through the air over two of the cars.  Landing between the cars, the rider didn't stall and drove straight at the line of Dracs. Not wanting to be run over, they all parted. 

     "Why aren't they shooting?" Party whispered confused. 

    "Holy shit it's the Black Knight..." Ghoul mumbled in shock.

    "It's a trap!" Jet whisper yelled as he spotted lines of glimmering metal on the road.

    "Spikes... We almost ran right over those." Kobra replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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