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We all wryly smiled.
     I held his gaze, “well, are you going to tell them?” I asked.
“Yes but…” he paused, he started at the ground, hesitating. “Or should I help you out?” I asked again, trying so hard to hide my smile, I had to remain as serious as possible. It was funny and cute seeing him with that lost look on his face.
He sat back down, “No, I’ll do it myself.”

“wonderful…”, I clapped to get everyone’s attention. “As you can see, some of us don’t have where to sit, standing is not really a good idea so let’s head back to class, it should be empty right now. I need to rest my legs”
They all nodded in agreement as they followed me, walking back to the classroom area.

We walked into the School’s hallway in silence, our feet making squishy sounds against the hallway floor and the distant voices coming from some classrooms down the hallways was the only sound we could hear.
We were making out last turn before I spotted Ian; Cora’s Ex and a big-time a—hole, I’ve not seen him around lately. Now he’s flirting with a girl beside the vending machine.

“How about you guys head in while I get us something to drink. I’m thirsty” I didn’t wait for a reply as I made my way towards the duo. The sound of their footsteps receding, pulling away from me was the confirmation I needed to know that they listened.
It's nice how I’ve not been with them for a long time but they respect me so much and probably trust me too. Men, such simple creatures we are.

Seeing the girl Ian was flirting with laughing so loud makes the thought of ruining the moment for him more exciting. She looked in my direction after spotting a figure walking towards their direction.
Ian, noticing her shift in attention turned to look at the person intruding on his moment. It only took a second for him to recognize me and another for him to be on his guard as he faced me with caution, blocking my sight with the girl behind him.

“Awwn, so cute. So touching. Knight in shining armor. What a gentleman you are.” I called with a grin as I walked past them, not sparing the girl a glance.
I got to the vending machine, slot in some quarters selected the drinks I wanted; 2 cans of cola, 3 cans of sprite and a bottle of mineral water.

“uhmm, hey Clinton.” I heard someone call behind me so I turned to see Ian walking towards me. “I’ve been looking for you and Cora for a while now. I know this is strange and maybe a lot to ask for right now but can we just forget all the stuff I’ve done in the past and start on a clean slate, please?” He asked with his hand outstretched for a handshake and a smile that I found so repulsive.
I heard the drink drop down in the vending machine beside me before I could answer so I left him hanging so I could shove the drinks into my bag.
I stood up after I was done to find his hand still outstretched, his smile looked carefree but I could see the caution in his eyes, ready to react to any attack I would make. Seems like our last meeting was still fresh.

I smiled back, though he was quick to hide his surprise, I saw it clearly. I furrowed my brows at his outstretched hand, “Yeah, let’s forget. What’s in the past, remains in the past.”
He dropped his hand and sighed in relief, “I didn’t think this was going to work, you know. This was Mia’s idea, brings out the best in me” he turned back to look at her, she smiled at him.

How could he leave himself totally open like that? I didn’t let the chance go as I buried my fist into his gut, fast and hard. He doubled up on the floor, his body spasming with his grip on his mid section while gasping for breath.
The girl, Mia, stood there shocked as I squatted down, not forgetting to reference Omiman’s words and actions, “THINK, IAN, THINK. Did you think I would just change just like that? It’s not really my place to forgive and forget you know, if it was I would’ve let it go a long time ago. I see that you’re inlove but I don’t care if you’ve changed or if this is another one of your victims, seek forgiveness from the right person.”

I stood up, gave him one last look, I could see the anger in his eyes but I could care less. I walked away turning back to see Mia running towards the groveling figure of Ian. I wanted to warn her or give her an advice of sorts but after seeing her reaction, I changed my mind, realizing that she was too far gone.”
I walked towards the class. I spotted Christian staring at me from the doorway, he pushed his glasses up and gave me a look I could not decipher the meaning nor understand but he walked back into the class before I could question it, I maintained the silence and followed him in.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to let my mom know that I would be coming in late today because I can remember something about her saying she didn’t have night shifts today so she would be back home early.
I was done sending the text when I got Into the classroom spotting the guys sitting close to each other in no particular order. Christian took his seat while I passed the drink around; 2 cans of cola for Ali and Mustafa, 3 cans of sprite for yours truly, Jonah and Ethan and the mineral water was for the sporty nerd, Christian.
I picked a random seat somewhere I could see everyone. We all popped out our cans to chug down our drinks. Ethan drank with more force than was required, he choked and was coughing right after.
“A stronger drink would’ve been better for a moment like this” Ali thought aloud. “Try to put something like that in the vending machine, will ya” Jonah quipped with a mock British accent and we all burst into laughter.

Ethan cleared his throat after the laughter died down, “We were childhood friends…”

Life At Green Havens IIWhere stories live. Discover now