✦ { Romana } The Prep's Diary: How the Prep Became so Preppy

55 4 0

Client: Superwicked

Reviewer: this_is_butterfly


The title's length might give the story the disadvantage of not being catchy enough to entice a potential reader's curiosity due to its length. It additionally isn't relevant to the story's content.

The cover has a visually appealing color scheme that aligns with the story's mood. The imagery used on the cover further enhances the appeal of the cover.


The blurb briefly introduces the characters who will be the main focal point of the story. It also hints at an event in the story by using a snippet of dialogue between the characters that would capture a reader's attention.

However, it gives away too much information. It might disadvantage the story by dampening the suspense needed to hook a reader since it's easier to predict the events in the story.


The chapters contain quite a few errors. There are some grammatical errors within the paragraphs, inconsistencies with the tense used, and some punctuation errors in the dialogue.

The main character breaks the fourth wall too often when her internal thoughts are displayed. Having a character that constantly addresses the audience might have the unfortunate effect of making the story less immersive.


The different locations where the scenes take place are compatible with the regular life of a teenager.


The story follows a character who is trying to find her place. She struggles to fit in with her peers in school. Her struggles are relatable and engaging for readers.

Her obliviousness to the betrayal that takes place is the most entertaining aspect. The use of dramatic irony enhances the experience of reading the story.

The only pitfall with the plot is the stakes. The potential effects and impacts of what the main character will lose or gain in relation to the obstacles she faces are not explored with enough depth.


The format of the chapter titles is creative.

The pacing of the story is relatively good. It is only slowed down by the presentation of scenes and information that aren't relevant to the plot.


The characters are uniquely presented within the chapters. The main character's inner thoughts and musings are very engaging.

The characters might be harder to relate to due to their lack of backstories and the lack of explanation behind the motivations for their decisions. The events in the story do not incite significant developmental changes in the characters, they remain relatively similar throughout the chapters.


The story is interesting. 

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