Matt - Cheated On

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In the quietude of the Sturniolo household, the atmosphere shifted dramatically when Matt, the middle triplet, stumbled through the front door, carrying with him the weight of betrayal. His normally vibrant demeanor was replaced by a pallor, and his eyes, once filled with warmth, were now clouded with anguish.

Nick, engrossed in a game with Chris, glanced up and immediately sensed the gravity of the situation. "Matt, what happened?" he asked, noting the disheveled state of his brother.

Matt, barely able to meet their eyes, mumbled, "Mia... she cheated on me."

The revelation hung in the air like a heavy storm cloud. Chris, ever perceptive, saw the pain etched across Matt's face. "Oh, man, I'm so sorry," he empathized.

As the reality of the betrayal sunk in, Matt's composure crumbled. His breath quickened, and he clutched his chest, succumbing to a sudden and overwhelming panic attack. The room trembled with the raw intensity of his emotions.

"Matt! Breathe, man!" Nick's voice cut through the tumult, urgency evident in his tone.

But Matt, trapped in the clutches of his own anxiety, struggled to find solace. His hands shook violently, and his heart raced, mirroring the chaos within.

"Matt, look at me," Chris urged, his voice steady. "You're gonna be okay. Just focus on your breathing."

Yells and sobs intertwined as Matt grappled with the tidal wave of emotions crashing over him. The drama unfolded in the living room, a symphony of pain and betrayal that echoed through the walls.

"You don't deserve this, Matt!" Nick shouted, his frustration palpable.

Chris, ever the mediator, intervened, "Let's get him to sit down, Nick. We need to help him calm down."

With collective effort, they guided Matt to the couch, where he crumpled, defeated and broken. His once proud posture now slouched, and the room vibrated with a tense silence, broken only by the erratic rhythm of Matt's breathing.

"I trusted her, guys," Matt confessed, his voice quivering. "I gave her everything."

Nick's anger flared. "She doesn't deserve you, Matt. No one who does that does."

The air crackled with a charged energy as Nick and Chris worked together to calm their distressed brother. Slowly, the storm within Matt subsided, leaving behind the wreckage of a betrayed heart.

In the aftermath, they sat in a solemn hush, the weight of the situation still hanging heavy in the air. Chris, noticing a subtle detail, spoke softly, "Matt, you're hurt."

Matt, oblivious to the bloodied knuckles and torn shirt, blinked in realization. The remnants of his anger tantrum were etched on his own body.

The triplets, bound by a shared history and an unspoken understanding, resolved to weather this storm together. As they navigated the aftermath of Mia's betrayal, their unity proved unyielding, offering solace and strength to the brother who had been wounded but not defeated.

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