chapter seven

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I spent a week crying. Then I knew I had to move on to get another job and be strong. I knew that what was going on between David and me wasn't real, but a part of it felt real. I got a job two months later working for a diner outside town just to keep my tuition paid so I could stay in college. I wasn't making what I was when I was tutoring, and I didn't get to see David. He was true to his word and lifted fifty million in my bank account. I hadn't touched it yet. I would have gone out with him if he had just asked me. But David lived in a different world than I did.

It would be another mouth, and I am at home alone. Mom was out with friends while dad had to work late tonight. I was off tonight. I sit on my small bed, painting my nails when a noise from outside draws my attention. I stand going to my small window to peek out. From there, I could barely see two figures that are outside my house.

"Open the door, Harmony," comes Kalebs voice

My eyes widen, it was dark in the house except the dim light I used to paint my nails. I flicked it off, grabbing a phone that Mrs Matthews had given to me when I started working there, "Just in case you need a ride," she had told me. I couldn't remember the last person I called on that phone it had been so long since I used it. But I push the talk button as I pick it up, and it rings. At first, I thought the person I called was an unknown number because it took a while before someone answered.

"I don't think you should be calling Harmony," David says

Just hearing his voice after all this time makes my heart leep. I sallow the tears that threatened to fall "there here," I whisper

It takes him a while to reply, "What are you talking about?" he asks

"I'm home, alone, and they are here,"

"Who's there, Harmony?" he asked on alert now

"James and Kaleb," I whisper

"I'm on my way," he says, and the line goes dead

"Come on, Harmony, we know you're in there," Kaleb says

I push my small body up into the little closet in my room to hide. Just to be on the safe side. I could hear them beating on the side of the trailer, tears rolled down my eyes as I remember last time they were here.

I had only been sixteen. James and I had been dating for a while. But that night, we had gotten into a fight. He was ready for a more serious relationship. But I had begged him to wait. I wasn't ready for that next step yet. I had told him if he couldn't wait on me then we couldn't be together. He got even mader, I stormed off, coming home to cry.

Like tonight, they came both of them. I refused to let them in, but James had found away in through one of the opened windows in the other rooms. I screamed at them to leave my house. But neither one was listening. They were like monsters waiting to pounce their pray. I was there praying. Once they pounced, they didn't let up. My parents found me the next day near death. I was rushed to the emergency room. Doctors said they didn't know how I had served something like that. I had been beaten so badly that if my parents hadn't found me when they did, I wouldn't be here now.

I hear the sound of glass braking somewhere in the house now, and I hold my breath. Then, off in a distance, I hear the wailing sound of the police approaching. I pray that they are coming my way when the wailing dies down. I panic. I hear running doors being slammed.

"Cross County Sheriff's department," a voice calls out


"David," I shout, running from the closet into his arms

The office looks at the two of us. "Sir, you can't be here," he tells David

"I called the police," David tells him

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