Chapter 28- Bus Ride Back

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Chapter 28: Bus Ride Back

As the bus rumbled along the road, Momo sat next to Izuku, her grip on his arm tight as if her life depended on it. The adrenaline from the recent battle was wearing off, leaving her feeling drained and exhausted.

Izuku glanced at Momo, noticing the fatigue in her eyes. "Are you okay, Momo?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern.

Momo nodded weakly, her grip on his arm loosening slightly. "I'm just...tired," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I'll be fine."

Izuku frowned, not convinced by her reassurances. "You should rest," he insisted, gently guiding her head to rest on his shoulder. "You've been through a lot today."

Momo hesitated for a moment before finally giving in, allowing herself to lean against Izuku's shoulder. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat was strangely comforting, and she found herself relaxing against him.

As the bus continued its journey, Momo's eyelids grew heavier and heavier, until she could no longer keep them open. She fought against the urge to sleep, knowing that she needed to stay awake until they reached UA.

But Izuku could see how exhausted she was, and he wasn't about to let her suffer. Gently, he wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her onto his lap, allowing her to rest against his chest.

Momo protested weakly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I'm fine, Izuku," she murmured, but her protests fell on deaf ears as he held her close.

"You need to rest, Momo," he insisted, his voice soft but firm. "You've done enough for today. Let me take care of you."

With a contented sigh, Momo allowed herself to relax in Izuku's embrace, feeling safe and protected as she drifted off to sleep.

As Momo succumbed to sleep on Izuku's lap, the whispers among their classmates started, despite knowing how close the two were. The subdued chatter filled the air, a mix of curiosity and speculation that seemed to hang over the bus like a heavy cloud.

"I can't believe she's sleeping on his lap like that."

"Yeah, they're close, but this seems...different."

"I heard they spent the whole night together before the USJ incident. Wonder what they were up to."

"Maybe there's something more going on between them."

"Izuku always seems so protective of her. It's kinda sweet, but also kinda suspicious."

The whispers continued, each passing comment fueling the growing sense of intrigue among the students. Even though they knew Momo and Izuku were good friends, there was an unspoken feeling that there might be more to their relationship than met the eye.

Meanwhile, Izuku remained oblivious to the speculation around him, his focus solely on Momo as he gently stroked her hair, his expression soft with concern. He could sense the tension in the air, but his priority was making sure Momo was comfortable and safe.

As the bus continued its journey, the whispers gradually faded into the background, replaced by the steady hum of the engine and the occasional rustle of movement from the other students.

As the whispers faded into the background and the bus journey stretched on, the rhythmic hum of the engine began to lull Izuku into a state of drowsiness. Despite his best efforts to stay awake and vigilant, the events of the day weighed heavily on him, and soon, his eyelids grew heavy.

Before he knew it, Izuku had drifted off to sleep, his head gently leaning against the window as he held Momo securely in his arms. The warmth of her presence and the gentle rise and fall of her breath against his chest provided a sense of comfort that allowed him to finally relax.

Friends to lovers?  Izuku x Momo / Read description Where stories live. Discover now