your name is Mya, you are 16 years old. You also have a band of 6, 2 boys and 4 girls. Yu are from Cali anddd yu had to move cus of yo momma (it's like the other story but whateva)
This yuuu... (Adriana Lima)
This is one of the girls from your band, Scarlett. 16 years old(avril Lavigne)
This is another girl from the band, 16 years old Mitchell (Britney Spears)
This is ANOTHER girl from the band 16 years old addie (devon Oki)
Alr so this is max one of the BOYS of the band 17 years old(Chad Michael)
This is another boy from the band, his name is Jordan 16 years old. (Jermay Sumpter)
Tom kaulitz 16 years old.
Bill kaulitz 16 years old
Gorge, 16 years old
Gustav, 17 years old.
This is Jose (just like the the other book) and he's yo brother (act like we is Hispanic) ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
OK BRO I'M DONE... So I kinda copied the other story w the Cali thing. Anyway I'm not even down s the other one... But IDC..