Tom kept glaring at us but tbh I didn't care. We all got hungry so bill orderd some pizza, the pizza arrived and we started to eat I was grabbing a piece when I didn't notice tom was also grabbing some. I was reaching for one when I touched a hand rather than a pizza, I looked who it is and it was... Tom's hand. I blushed and took my hand back quickly and waited for him to get his piece.
We finished eating and I was about to leave till tom asked "Mya can I speak to you?". I looked at the girls and they nodded. "sure" I followed him to his room, he locked the door and said, "why are you avoiding me?" I got nervous and embarrassed, so I started to crack my knuckles, "umm.... " I couldn't think of an answer.
"Is it because of Jessica?" He said, I looked at him confused. Who the fuck is Jessica? Is she his girlfriend? "Who?... " I asked. "Jessica, the girl I was with at the fair and the park" ohhh that hoe.
"It is because of her." I just nodded from embarrassment, because I'm jealous. He chuckled and said "no need to get all jealous or worried, we are not together it's just some girl that follows me around" I got all red and nervous, I just nodded and said "oh... I wasn't jealous... Yea... " he looked at me with a "yes you was" look, I just smiled awkwardly.
"Is that all? " I asked him. "Yea... That's all" I nodded, I was about to open the door when I got spined around. Tom, he got to my level and kissed me passionately, I kissed back. After like 30 seconds he pushed away gently and looked at my eyes. We kept eye contact, I looked at his creamy dark brown eyes and I almost melted right there. I just smiled and said "well... Bye, sorry I have to get going'' I didn't want to leave but the band is probably waiting for me outside or at my house. He just nodded and said " ok... Bye... " "goodnight" "goodnight... " I turned around, opened the door and closed it gently.
I went down stairs with a smile on my face, the girls noticed and smirked. I looked at them confused "what.. " they just chuckled and said "oh nothingg" I nodded slowly and started walking. we made it to my house, and got changed onto our pajamas. We showerd first though. Ofc. And headed to bed, but before I went to my room with the rest I went to look at my brother room and checked if he was here. I knocked gently and soft, but no answer, I knocked again, no answer.., I sighed and went inside, there that mtf was, sleeping peacefully. I just smiled as a realif that nothing bad happened.
I went back to my room, and went to sleep.
I woke up to someone jumping on my bed, "WAKEY WAKEYYY" screamed scar and addie. I grunted and put my pillow onto my face and tried to go back to sleep, but they were still jumping. I groaned and got up. "OK Okk I'm awakeeahhhh" I said, they just laughed and got down. I got up mad cus I was dreaming about something... It was me taking toms shirt off and start to lick his ab-.... I'm sorry whatttt, I didn't say anything.
I got up and got dressed.
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