Black Music artists that are supr swag

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King Green -mostly rap i think, my fav. song from him is Opera pls look at the lyrics they're so e5srtxdykcf

The Muslims -mostly punk music from them, my fav. song from them is Punch a Nazi it's so ♡♡♡ and the lyrics to their songs are oh so great

Pinkshift -kinda pop-punk,, love their songs, haven't looked at the lyrics yet ;-; fav. song is I told my therapist on you

Iniko -genuinly has such a nice voice and kinda whimsical music style, their music is soul i think and eeee It's GREAT :DD fav. song is Jericho

tell me in the comments if there are any pthers i should listen to :]]


adding books too cus 7t3oufdqeWL :DD

Gone Wolf by Amber McBridge

The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas

uhhh I'll add more later but thas it for now ♡♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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