chapter 5

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Wedding day of yoonmin

Jimin is ready setting in front of mirror thinking how he fell in love with suga and now going to marry with him.

Juhi Seong come to see their son.

Juhi: aww my boy looking so beautiful.

Jimin: thanks mom.

Seong: Jimin always be happy.

Jimin: mom dad don't make me emotional please.

Seong: ok ok we just come here to see if you ready or not.

Jimin: I ready dad .

Juhi: so let's go everyone waiting for you.

Jimin: but mom where is tae he didn't come to see me.

Juhi: don't know son .

Seong: let me call him, his call is not reachable.

Juhi: Jimin tae will come don't worry may be he stuck on traffic .

Seong: but where he goes when he knows today is very special day for his brother.

Juhi: actually he said that he want to give Jimin something special gift for that he gone.

Seong: ok Jimin you come son everyone is waiting for you tae will come.

Jimin: but dad without tae I will not going to marry.

Seong: ok fine, you wait here we will go out and handle the guest.

Jimin: ok dad.

After saying they left

Jimin: where are you tae come fast.

Jimin was waiting for tae suddenly someone call him Jimin check it was tae.

On call

Where are you tae, I am waiting for you.

Jimin I I w want your help please come fast o or t they w will kill me
I am giving you address please come fast I scared.

After saying he cut the call.

Jimin: tae tae he cut the call.

Jimin didn't think twice without saying anything to anyone he left where tae call him.
Other side

In wedding hall

Suga was waiting for his bride to come,he was nervous , his eyes just finding his love.

Jungkook: hyung whom are you looking for.

With teasing.

Suga: no one.

Jungkook: really it's mean you are not finding Jimin, means you don't love him.

Said with dramatically

Suga: who said that I don't love him I love him it's just-

Suga come to his sense, jungkook just laughing

Suga: you bunny I will broke your bunny teeth then I will see how you will laugh.

Jungkook just control his laugh.

Namjoon: hy you bunny don't tease my hyung ok.

Jungkook: ok ok I will not, but seriously we are waiting for long father also asking for bride to come and start the wedding.

Namjoon: let me and check , why they taking so long?
Other side

Jimin come to the given address by tae, at Han river he see tae was standing there there seeing river.

Jimin: tae why you called me is everything ok you said someone wants to kill you. said with worried

Jimin: but wait you look fine then why you called me urgently.

Tae: give me your phone.

Jimin: why ?

Tae: just give me I will tell you.

Jimin gives his phone to tae.

Jimin: now tell why you called me.

Tae: calm down ok I called you because I am going to kill you.

Jimin: what are you saying see I am not in the mood of jokes tae.

Tae: neither me.

Tae: I you are confused why I called you. I want to tell something to you.

Jimin: what tell?

Tae start saying with serious face.

Tae: tell you that how my life becomes hell, tell you that how because of your mother my mom died,tell you that how much I hate you. First you and your mother snatch my mom from me, now you was going to snatch my love also, but I will not let this happen, suga hyung is only mine understand.

After hearing this Jimin just can't believe his ears.

Jimin: tae don't say like that,tae please don't hate me whatever happened in past I was just two years old I don't know clearly but I always see you as my brother and about suga if you just told me that hyung I love suga don't marry him already give you happily because you are my baby brother tae.

After saying this he start crying.

Jimin: but please tae don't hate me.

Tae: just Stop your drama you and your mother only know how to snatch someone happiness. And what said if I asked you, you give my suga .

Tae start laughing like crazy.

Tae: like seriously you want me to begg you for my own love , he is mine why I have to begg for my love from you.

Jimin: no tae you get me wrong I just-

Jimin cut by tae

Tae: just what? You know what just leave it everyone waiting there for bride.

Tae: so say goodbye to this world.

Jimin: Ahhhhhh

After saying this he pushed Jimin into river.

Tae: sorry Jimin I start accepting you as my brother but you did wrong by fall in love with suga.


This is what I wrote today hope you all like it, tell me if I did any mistake.💞💞💞

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Thank you for reading.💜

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