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I walk along 8th Avenue until I come across the place that attracts so many tourists. It's the one place in this over-packed city where it doesn't feel like I'm in New York, but a different world. A world full of flowers and trees and meadows and ponds and bridges. A place where I can escape from reality.

Central Park.

It's the biggest park in the city. My favorite place in the city. For more than one reason. My parents used to love coming here. Until they left mysteriously without a trace. I don't know if they were kidnapped, or killed, or if they decided they didn't love me anymore and left without saying goodbye. They took everything with them; Family pictures, jewelry, notebooks. Everything. All that I have to remember them is a picture; my mother, with her brown hair and emerald green eyes. My emerald green eyes. My father, on the other hand, was who I got my handsome features from. Sometimes, when I look at myself in the mirror, I can see him in myself, not in the nose or the mouth, but in the way I'm shaped, the way I move, the way I smile.

I also have a locket from my mother. Inside is a picture of me as a baby, at least I think it is. The picture is painted, the edges of it chipping away. Me - the baby - is crawling on the floor, his green eyes staring at the painter. You can tell that someone is holding him down, because his expression gives away his annoyance. He looks so much like me that I wonder if it is me, but it isn't. On the right side of the locket is a message. A short one. It reads, An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Nothing else. No, I'm sorry or I love you.

With nothing but an old picture and a few words left of my parents, I come here, to Central Park, whenever I feel like I need to speak to them or escape from all my troubles of finding food or somewhere to stay the night.

I enter the park, trailing my hands along the plants that line the path. I walk slowly, taking in the greenery, the sunshine. I keep walking until the sound of city traffic fades away to a slight buzz. I keep walking until the trees cover me up, hiding me from the rest of the world. Finally, I reach a small pond. People walk around and throw coins into the fountains nearby. But I head to a bridge nearby, crossing underneath it. I keep going until I find what I'm looking for.

A waterfall.

It's a tiny one, unnoticeable unless you're looking for it. But it's beautiful anyways, starting from a small alcove and ending in a small pool of water. I come here all the time, to think about things. But today is different. Today is the day my parents died - or disappeared. It's been twelve years since.

"Hey mom and dad. It's me, your son. I miss you guys so much, you know. I don't know where you are, if you're dead or hiding somewhere or if you're in danger or - " I pause, overcome with emotion. Anger and sadness and guilt and other things. "Or if you're happy without me."

Taking a deep breath, I compose myself and keep talking. "Anyway, I got a job. Ten million dollars. I'll never have to steal or kill again." I could buy a place to live, buy food that isn't dug out of the dumpster. I just had to steal one thing from one safe. One last time.

"I met a girl, too. She's working with me on this. She's - I don't know. There's just something about her that makes me interested." Maybe it's her appearance, with those striking blue eyes and dark hair. Or maybe it's the way she grew up struggling, just like me. Or maybe it's something else. Whatever it is, I don't regret last night, when I stood up for her and showed that guy exactly what I thought of him. Now he has a bunch of broken ribs, that would remind him to never go near Alexis again. The bruise on my face and arm injury - the bastard stabbed a knife into my arm - was worth it if she was safe and happy.

I check the time on my watch and curse. "I have to go now. Lucky's gonna kill me." I turn to go, but pause. "I love you guys." Then I sprint for the park entrance, praying that I wouldn't be late.

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