Chapter 4: The Family

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Back to the future, Leah and Wilbur are seen pushing the broken time machine up a hill, trying to get it to Wilbur's House.

Wilbur: We'll sneak this thing into the garage. You'll have all the tools you need.

Leah: What about your parents?

Wilbur: Dad never goes in there, and Mom's on a business trip until tomorrow morning. You've got till then to fix it.

Leah: Well, fine, but I'm gonna need some blueprints or something for this.

Wilbur: No worries. I got someone who could help us with that.

After that, they finally arrive in front of the garage door, but there is someone behind it, wanting a password.

???: Who dares to disturb my sanctuary?

Wilbur: Carl, it's me. Let me in.

Carl: None may enter unless they speak the royal password.

Wilbur: Carl, what are you talking about?We don't have a password.

Carl: Yes, we do. I made one up while you were gone.

Wilbur: Well, then how am I supposed to know what it is?

Carl: You... Good point.

The garage door finally opens, letting them push the time machine inside. While they're pushing it, a lanky golden robot comes up to them.

Carl: Welcome back, little buddy. So what's up with the stolen time machine?Did you find it? 

Wilbur only looks at him with a raised eyebrow and pursed lips.

Carl: ...Apparently not, and you managed
to bust this one as well.

Wilbur: It'll be fixed before Dad gets home.

Carl: And how do you suppose that's gonna...

Carl walks to see the damage on the machine, and sees two other people pushing the time machine.

Carl: Who're those?

Leah: Wow, a real robot! Hi, I'm Leah.

(Y/N): Hi.

As Leah reaches for a handshake, Carl screams, seemingly afraid of them. He runs and goes through a vacuum tube, with his head following after.

(Y/N): Uhm..

Leah: Well, that was unexpected.

Wilbur then suddenly puts a hat that's covered with fruits onto Leah, and a motorcycle helmet onto (Y/N).

Leah: ..As was that.

(Y/N): At least mine's more reasonable.

Feeling insulted, she elbows him in the side.

Wilbur: If my family finds out I brought you both from the past, they'll bury me alive and dance on my grave. I'm not exaggerating! Well, yes, I am, but not the point.

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