Unexpected relapses

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The two girls were awoken by the sound of the gup-A splashing out of the launch bay. Dashi’s stomach flipped as she saw Captain Barnacles carrying Shellington ,bridal style, out of the gup. Peso nervously but quickly followed. Kwazii immediately walked over to Dashi, who was already on her way to see her partner, knowing she couldn't function because of anxiety and stress if she didn't have an explanation of why her boyfriend looked half dead.

Dashi went to talk to Barnacles;
“Captain, what-”

“Not now Dashi. I have to get to the medbay. Kwazii will explain everything.” Barnacles sternly said, “it's nothing too serious though”

Dashi made a dramatic worried face as Barnacles left the room with peso following. Kwazii sighed and sat on Tweaks bed. Tweak closed her laptop and pushed it to the side.
Dashi started pacing again.
“y’know when shellington used to collapse because he wouldn't eat, drink or sleep?” Kwazii began, “it happened again, but like, a little worse cuz he fainted and their helmet broke. We don't know how long they were unconscious for but he hasn't drowned at least…”

“Oh shit…” Tweak said, “You okay, Dash-…?”

Dashi was… gone?

She had run as fast as her body could let her all the way up to the medbay. She remembered when Shellington used to collapse and it was a lot worse than everyone else thought. Shellington wasn't just neglecting his needs for no reason. They were hit by a depression spell out of nowhere and was only depriving himself for one reason. He wanted to disappear.

It got a lot better after a few months, but Dashi had never been so scared. She burst into the medbay and saw her partner, peacefully asleep on a bed in the corner. Dashi sighed a mixture of relief, sadness and fear. She slowly walked over to the bed and sat on the end. Shellington was sleeping on his side, curled up a little

“They look like a child…” Dashi smiled to herself.
She squeezed Shellington's hand while he slept. Tweak burst into the medbay, panting.
“Dashi what happened!?” she yelled as she saw her friend sitting cross-legged on the medbay bed.
“SHHh!!” Dashi hissed as she aggressively pointed to Shellington, who was fast asleep.
“sorry!” Tweak mouthed, and walked over to the bed. She made Dashi move over and sat next to her.
“Poor guy…” Tweak whispered. “D’ya think he's gonna start cuttin’ his arms again?”
Dashi’s stomach flipped for a second.
“You knew…?” She whispered
“Yeah. Shells broke down and told me everything. It was so shit for them. I should know.” Tweak looked at her wrist a second.

Dashi leant on Tweaks shoulder and rubbed her arm
“You've been through that before?” She asked.
”Yup. When I was 14. Everyone on the octopod has been through it at some point. Some more than others.” Tweak replied. Dashi considered this… it was true.
Barnacles was depressed for ages after the ice cave incident,
Kwazii felt shit after leaving his grandad after the amazon adventure,
Peso’s anxiety used to get the better of him, and Dashi had horrendous dysphoria when she was a trans teen.

She sighed and looked at her partner's face.
“I wanna stay here tonight.” She said, It was about 2 am and both of them were tired.
“Fair enough,” Tweak smiled as she hugged Dashi. She jokingly kissed Dashi’s hand like a princess, making her giggle, and left.

Dashi sighed again, this time a little happier. She got under the duvet and spooned into Shellington from behind.
“Sleep tight, Ku'uipo*…” Dashi yawned

(Ku’uipo- sweetheart in hawaiian)

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