Emo Poems <3

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From start to finish I wonder why

The cuts look good in this messed up lie

The blood that trickles down my arm

People all stare at the girl who self-harms:-

"The emo" they call me

I turn to my name

They act out slicing their wrists

I hang my head in shame

I can't help my feelings

Of being alone

I hide myself for the day

Just longing to go home

I sprawl on my bed

With my razor in hand

And take myself away

To a much better land

I stare in the mirror

And let myself cry

Looking forward to the day

That I finally die


Emo's have hearts and feelings,

they cut themselves 

that's why there always bleeding,

Emo's have hell in their lives 

that's why they always cry,

people say their "stupid", 

people say their "dumb" 

but nobody knows that I am one.

with our layered cuts and highlighted hair,

you'll catch us in the streets 

we are everywhere.

some Emo's really want to die 

that's why they are always trying to commit suicide.

please help them 

there's not much time!!

hurry before they lose their lives!!

please help them 

before its too late!!

or would you rather 

have a heart full of hate??


Rain, rain, go away,

Because of you the pain will stay.

Slit my throat, cut out my heart,

Leave me here, tear it apart.

Poison tears stream down my face,

My heart beats at a steady pace

As I try to stand again;

Alone and standing in the rain.

I don’t need you anymore…

Is what I think while tears pour.

I hate you like I hate my life;

But love is what cuts like a knife.

Love is death and death is you;

Its pain stains like a black tattoo.

Those memories come back again

And bind me in the ropes of pain.

Crimson blood streams down my head

Like a long, silk ribbon, tied by a thread,

To a platinum bullet, a hole in my skull…

...Now just a memory that’s faded and dull.


The cold icy blade,

running across my skin,

Sending chills down my spine.

Crimson blood running down my wrist,

Dripping down drop by drop to the sink below me.

I feel calm, and in control. 

The devil inside me has taken my soul.

The blade doing it's job one time, two times, three and more. 

My vision goes blurry, the room goes dark, my heart pounds faster.

I wake up the next day groggy, confused.

People pounding on the bathroom door.

My brain pounding in my head.

I put on my best face,

Because they can't know,

They won't know. 

I'll find an excuse, for everything.

And their world will be fine.

No matter if mine is a living hell.

they'll never know. Until it's to late.


Drowning in a darkness 

Of deep despair 

Believing the lies I hear 

And seeing truths not there 

See the rays of sunlight 

They shine upon your scars 

Reaching for that broken smile 

Among the hidden stars 

Hearing the tear drops 

Falling from your eyes 

Believe my hidden secrets 

And tell my stolen lies 

Bring me to the surface 

Give me air to breathe 

Let me see the sorrow 

Upon my broken dreams


I felt to pain everyday,

Seeing the scars on my wrist.

No one understands me, 

My life is at risk.

Waiting everyday for the worst,

With a razor blade in my hand.

Getting ready to cut my wrist, 

I can't wait until my life ends.

At school I hang my head low,

Always feeling ashamed.

Always making actions of slicing their wrist,

The only reason is,

The cuts and scars on My wrist.

Wanting my life to end every night.

People don't understand depression,

Thinking only Mental people have it.

But no one knows how it feels, 

until I explain,

The life I live is real.

Teachers and parents walk by, 

Seeing the scars on my wrists.

Never knowing,

I'm waiting for the day I die.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2013 ⏰

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