Diwali party

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Ishan : where are my sandals???

Shubman : I don't know!

Ishan : and where is my kurta? Arhhhh you wore my kurta again?

Shubman : kya hua tu mera pehn le.

Ishan : and that pearl necklace 🙄

Shubman : Vo actually this looks better on me 😌

Shubman : where is MY FAVOURITE WATCH ?

Ishan (showing off his wrist) : what do you think... only you can wear my accesories??

"BUT THAT'S MY FAVOURITE WATCH" shubman start running behind ishan.

"And I am your FAVOURITE PERSON" Ishan said with a wink !

Shubman smiled at ishan's comment.

"Stop flattering yourself"

Ishan grinned and showed a victory sign to shubman.

"I am letting you wear this watch only this time" shubman said trying to maintain a stoic face


"Hurry up ishan and shubman, Rohit send me to check up on you two because he knows you two be playing around instead of getting ready" Virat said loudly, peeking from the front door.

"Bhaiya bas do minute" shubman replied while checking himself in the mirror for the nth time.

Ishan hurriedly put a kurta on and brushed his hair.

"Come on shubi" ishan grabbed shubman's hand and start dragging him because this man can't get enough of himself infront of the mirror.

                ***DIWALI PARTY***

"You both are late AGAIN" this is how yuzi greeted them.

"How come you two are always late for events?" Siraj chimed in.

" *Cought* *cough* don't ask such question" hardik said winking at them.

"Kya bhaiya aap bhi" said ishan embarrassingly.

"Hardik Bhai Aisa kuch bhi nhi hain, I was searching for my favourite watch, and guess where I found it ?"

"Where" yuzi and siraj said in unison.

"On ishan' wrist"  shubman rolled his eyes.

Everyone start laughing at how shubman is whining like a child because Ishan wore his FAVOURITE WATCH !

"And guess where I found my kurta and my pearl necklace?"

"On shubman" ishan replied to his own question without letting them guess.

Shubman start looking  at the ceiling as if it's the most interesting thing he has ever seen, acting like he cannot hear ishan.

The atmosphere was filled with joy as everyone engaged in lively conversations, laughter, and reminiscing about the previous World Cup matches. Eventually, everyone gathered for group photos. As the party approached its conclusion, Shubman and Ishan slipped away unnoticed.

"Damn this looks so Majestic" shubman said absorbing the vibe of Diwali from the hotel terrace.

All the building in sight were adorned with beautiful lights , the terrace was decorated too. The sky was clear and stars were shining brightly. The cool November breeze hitting their skin not too harshly, The whole atmosphere was magical.

They both were adoring the city on Diwali night. Shubman looked at ishan and intertwined their fingers "This feels amazing" ishan said looking at their intertwined hand.

"Everything feels amazing" shub said while resting his head on ishan's shoulder.

These two are in a relationship from past three months. Only ICT knows about them, It happened during the practice of ASIA CUP. Ishan liked shubman from a very long time and finally he found the courage to voice his feelings.

On a August evening when shubman was playing  video games on his phone in their shared hotel room:

Ishan : Shubi I want to tell you something important.

Shubman : What? That you ate all my cookies which I ordered online?

Ishan: ummm Yeah I ate those, but I want to tell you something  more important so please put your phone down.

Shubman put down his phone seeing the tense expression on ishan's face.

"Kya hua? Kuch hua hain kya tujhe" shubman asked slightly concerned.

"No, no nothing happened to me I ....I want to tell you about something.. something about me" ishan said, his voice laced with hesitation.

"Don't tell me you are a girl and just to play cricket you pretended to be a boy"

"SHUBMAN" Ishan said giving a stern look to him.

"Okay okay no joking, Now tell me" now shubman is in his serious mode. Ishan took a long breath and start pouring his emotions through his words.

"Let's start from the very start , remember how we met? We both got selected for the same squad *INDIA A TEAM* , you were so shy at that time, you didn't talk much to anyone except when necessary.

I started admiring you not just your batting skills but you as a person. Even tho I had many friends I still wanted to befriend you. And then you start sleeping in my room .

Whenever I come to my hotel room after wicket keeping pratice you were sleeping there in my bed all curled up like a baby, I never said but that was such an adorable sight.

And after sometime we became friends, or let's say me AN EXTROVERT adopted you who is a big time INTROVERT, And with time our bond became much stronger.

You taking care of me when I was sick.
You calling me at 3 AM because you watched some horror movie and was not able to go to the washroom to pee as you were shit scared.

You taking my pearl necklace without me knowing and not returning it for months.

You bringing me my favourite cookies.

You calming me down when I got overwhelmed by things.

There is so much of *You* in my life. And I don't know when I start falling for you. You came in my life and became a inseparable part of it within no time. And I want to keep you in my life forever.

I don't know whether you feel same for me or not, sometimes your action do feel like their is something more than friendship from your side but then I thought it's my delusional mind that keep seeing things when there is nothing.


By the time ishan concluded his speech shubman's mouth was hung open, his eyes wide .

"No , No wayyyyy"

"It's okay if you are going to reject me, we can remain friends" hurt was visible on ishan's face.

Shubman shakes his head and got up from the sofa "stand up ishan" Ishan stand up visibly confused. And then shubman engulfed Ishan in a bear hug, squeezing him under his embrace, ishan thought shubman is just consoling him.

"You ..... You have no Idea how much I love you, I was mustering up the courage to tell you but look at you ish kish being all brave and confessing to me" shubman said while hugging him more tightly than before.

After listening shubman's confession ishan melts into the hug. Now Ishan's happiness knew no boundry. "But hey I said all those nice things about you and you just said *I love you* that's not fair"

"Ohh come on ishu, I am not cheesy like you"

Ishan throws a pillow at him, Pretending to be mad at him.

Confession  : Ishman FFWhere stories live. Discover now