‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ THREE ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅

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Without hesitation, you clash your blades together between the two of you. Due to how close he was, the blades came in contact with his skin. Blood falls down his chest from the impact, but he doesn't flinch.

"I will not say it again," You scowl, "Leave."

"I'll give it to you, mortal," He brushes his hair back with his hand, "You've got guts."

You glare up at him wordlessly, applying more pressure on the blades in an attempt for the pain to push him back. His blood oozes onto your blades and they shiver.

"How did you get inside?" You demand.

He shrugs nonchalantly, "The vines let me inside; moved right out of my way."

Sukuna feels the force behind your blades weaken and notices your perplexed expression. You were thinking to yourself as you stared absentmindedly at his face.

The forest let him in? Why? Everything about him screams evil and death, so why did the Mother Tree let him in? I don't understand . . .

The glint of your blades catches your eye, and Sukuna follows your gaze to the blades digging into his chest. The engraved symbols light up and you hear the whispers of a thousand voices in your ears. It's as though they were trying to say, Save him.

Sukuna opens his mouth to break the thick silence, but you retract your blades to idle beside you and say, "Come with me."

He quirks a brow, "And why should I take heed of your orders?"

You ignore him and turn to walk the opposite way towards the village where you plan to take him to Sei and the Chief. He scoffs and reluctantly follows you.

What a headstrong woman . . . Sukuna thinks to himself. 

Your stubbornness and bravery were almost enough for you to earn his praise. It wasn't every day he finds and interacts with a woman who can stand her ground in his presence. Not to mention the lack of fear you show him makes him feel so inferior.

Although Sukuna knows a controlling and demanding woman is his type, he knows it won't last long. Eventually, their defiance would get on his nerves and he would simply snap their neck and throw them aside. Sukuna hated to feel powerless with people who were weaker than him. But because you were amusing him this far, he won't kill you on the spot. He decides to wait and see where this goes. 

It confused him that you were leading him deeper into the territory even after you were so adamant about making him leave. But in the end, it only proved him better than all those measly humans who could never put a foot inside. 

The bounty was extremely hefty just as you and Sei had figured. The reward became so large that it had reached Sukuna's greedy ears. Colonizers were so desperate to obtain the magical soil Aokigahara possessed that they were willing to throw their money away to bandits and warriors who were brave enough to force their way in.

As you lead him toward the village, you can see that the border just ahead was abandoned. You feel yourself relax a tad bit knowing the people are safe. It did not take Sei long to gather the villagers away from the area. This was not the first time you and Sei had to evacuate the people due to infiltrators, so it became a calm and quick routine for everyone.

"Where are we going, oh brave warrior?" Sukuna mocks.

You glare at him over your shoulder, "Don't speak or I'll cut your tongue out."

Sukuna lets out a laugh, "My, my, you must not know who I am. I praise your bravery, warrior."

"I will not repeat myself," Your piercing blue eye doesn't blink at him from over your shoulder.

[▶] ‧₊˚ ☾ ⋅ 𝝖S𝝦𝝞Ɍ𝝞𝝢Ᏽ 𝝡𝝤Ɍ𝝩𝝖Ⳑ ❍ Ryomen Sukuna x Reader ‧ ☽ ˚₊⋅Where stories live. Discover now