Chapter 1 ᖭི༏ᖫྀ

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Day 25 of living alone. I have to find somewhere else to stay today. For some reason I can't stay in the same place for a long time, I've never really been able to. My brother Jake and my best friend Liam would always complain when we would find somewhere safe to stay and after a few months I'd have to move. At least they don't have to worry about that anymore.

I'm currently in Tacoma so I'm planning on heading over to Seattle. I've never been there so I'm hoping it's not full of infected. It's harder to fight when you're on your own, you don't have anyone else to rely on or help you out. I've estimated it'll take me about 11 hours to walk there so if I set off now I should make it in time to find a place to camp out before it gets dark.


The walk has been so boring, I've only seen about 5 walkers the entire trip. Thankfully I've just made it to Seattle. Shit! I can't tell if it looks abandoned or not. It's fully gated up so I'm going to have to be smart about this one. I grab my pistol out of the holster just for precaution. After checking the place out I find a gate that's open enough for me to crawl under.

"drop the gun" Someone shouts.

Fuck, I turn around drop it putting my hands in the air. The voice came from a woman, she had broad shoulders with extremely defined arms. Her long blonde plait draped over one of her shoulders, and her eyes, I couldn't tell if they were blue or green, they kind of have a grey cast over them.

"who are you! and what are you doing here?"

Y/n: "I- I'm y/n. I was just looking for a place to stay. I'm not here to harm anyone"

"well you're trespassing"

Y/n: "I'm sorry, I didn't realise. If I can just grab my gun I'll be out of your hair" This was quite literally the scariest thing I've ever been through by myself.

"what do you think I am?" she giggles "I'm not just going to let you pick up your gun, am I dickhead?"

Y/n: "N- No I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it I-I just-"

"save it" she uses her other hand to radio someone "I've got a trespasser over here outside of gate 14"

"copy Abby. We've got 4 on route"

Her name. Abby. It suits her so well, I can't explain it.

Less than 2 minutes later a truck pulls up and 4 men jump out and run over to me.

"have you been bitten" I froze I couldn't say anything.

All four men suddenly grab my sleeves and pant legs going to pull them up to check for infection making me freak out. I kick two of the men to the floor and grab one of the men around the neck. I walk a few steps back pulling my knife out putting it to his throat.

Y/n: "if someone doesn't tell me what is going on here I will kill him!"

Abby: "if you even move that knife an inch closer to him I will shoot you in the head"

Y/n: "tell me what's going on and maybe I'll co-operate"

"Look I'm Owen, we're part of the WLF. The only reason we would kill you right now is if you were infected. We were just checking for infection. I can understand that this is a scary situation but you have to understand we are protecting our home"

Y/n: "I completely understand where you are coming from, but I just want to leave. I'm not asking to come into your home. Please just let me go"

Owen: "we have orders. kill the infected and bring back anyone who isn't."

Y/n: "I'm not infected, I just want to go"

Owen: "if you don't let him go and let us check for infection, she will shoot you."

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