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"Lanes, oh my god, what is wrong?" Finn asks as he reaches the bottom of my stairs, where I lay slumped on the ground, sobbing so hard my eyes hurt.

"Noah," I hiccup.

"Gonna need more than that," he replies, picking my head up and laying it in his lap. His fingers run through my hair reassuringly, but it does nothing to help the headache I can feel coming on.

"He took me to this abandoned building, because he thought I would like it. He said he wanted to bring me peace, and then," I pause to catch my breath and sniffle, "he tells me he wants me? What the fuck is that, Finn? Congratulations, your dick works! He wants me? Not I like you? Not let's see if we have something? I want you." I furiously wipe under my eyes, "he could have had me two weeks ago, why now?"

Finn opens his mouth to reply, but I have been holding in my feelings for Noah too long now and I'm not done unpacking my baggage.

"I could have had sex with him and moved on a few weeks ago, but not now. I'm in too deep, Finn," I sob, I haven't felt pain like this. I'm sure of it.

"Are you sure he meant it how you are taking it?" Finn asks tentatively.

"Of course, how else would he mean it? I could count the girls on two hands that have been here to hook up. He doesn't even let them stay the night, Finn!" I tell him, his fingers have almost lulled me into a calm I don't quite feel.

"I think you should talk to him," he says gently, "clear the air."

"I can't, Finn. I'm pretty sure he hates me now, you didn't see how angry he was yesterday. I don't think there's even a chance we could be friends now," I sigh, picking myself up out of Finn's lap. Saying everything out loud to Finn lifted a little of the weight on my chest.

"Maybe I could talk to him."

"Don't you dare!" I bellow, looking in his eyes, imploring him to hear me, "You can't tell him how much I care about him."


"No, Finn, I mean it," I look up at him and hold out my pinky. He stares at my extended finger, intending him to pinky promise he won't say anything.

"Lanes, I don't know-" I aggressively shake my pinky at him. He sighs, but hooks his finger with mine. "Okay, time to get up off the floor," he says, hooking me under my arms and pulling me up. He grabs the bottle of bourbon from the counter and pours a glass for each of us.

"This is exactly what I need," I tell him and clink my glass with his. I empty the glass in one long gulp and wipe the remaining tears off of my face. I shake the empty glass at him, and he wearily pours me another drink.

I slam the bourbon back while I push the feelings I have for Noah deep down, and hope they don't resurface. I wasn't a casual girl and Noah wasn't a commitment guy. We were never going to work, and it was stupid to think for a second that it might. I glance over at Finn, who dropped everything to be here. I didn't need anyone as long as I had Finn.

Although, in the couple of months that I had known him, Noah had gotten me out of my comfort zone. He was always challenging me, but he had taken those things from me too. I still hadn't been back inside the gym, and I missed it.

Noah had now taken away two men that had come into my life. Of course, he was looking out for me, but that was beside the point. He couldn't be good for me, he would only break my heart. He would use me and throw me away like he did with other girls.

I snatch the bottle from Finn's hand, "Let's go for a walk," I say to the question on his face. It was almost dark outside and I was drunk. Numb.

Finn led the way out, stepping out before taking a step back to block the door.

Exit Wounds | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now