Its me the dog Sofia

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1st chapter

All I could remember was waking up to warmth and my mothers milk. I remember feeling my brothers and sisters wriggling around me,and trying to push me out of the way to get a fair share of milk. My mother would always cuddle us and leave for short periods of time. I was in a square yellow thing which soon I found out was a room. The tall creatures that came in soon became known as my mothers humans. My mother was a silky coated Australian shepherd. One morning my mother was gone for a long time. I soon found out she had gone to the vet,my mother called it the white cage,because a ton of dogs were always locked up in a white room. I felt lucky having a home with my mother. I would chase and silently attack my brothers and sisters. I soon knew I had 6 brothers and sisters. 3 were girls and 2 were boys. I was the eighth one and I was the fourth girl. I was really close with one sister and I named her bounce because she was always bouncing around,and playing with me. I didn't know why my mother was so sad one day. A man came to are room and grabbed us hardly by are scruffy,and used us into a career. My mother tried to stop him but stopped when the man said,;down girl,they will only be gone for a little while. I was utterly terrified about being away from my mother,I trembled all the way to the white cage. When we got their he gently laid us down on a silver table. A human came in with all white on and picked us up and examined us one by one. ;Roger,this is a great looking litter you got. What are you selling them for?; He answered ; 650 for the males and 700 for the females.; ;That's a good price for such fine dogs.; ;I know but there puppies; and with that he took us back to the room and my mother licked us with joy,like we had been gone for days. All I wanted to do was sleep. The next day humans I didn't know came to the room and picked us up and played with us. One of my sisters disappeared,and my mother was sad that night. The next day a man about 29 years old came in and right when he saw me he said,;That dog looks like it has a smile face on its head.; This was true I hade white markings on my light brown fur that looked like a smile face. He then sat in front of me,right when he sat down its like we new each other for years. I ran right into him and began licking his face until I got every last spot. He laughed and said;I'll take this one,and began petting me all over. I never felt such joy,at seeing him the next day come with a red leash and collar. Come on girl,your coming home with me is what he said. I never sat in the front seat but he let me,I was a front seat dog! I stuck my head out the open window and my owner laughed. It feels like the wind was licking your face,so I stuck my tung out to lick it back. My owner laughed at me again,;you are such a doodle dog you know that;I wagged my tail. After a while I got tired and fell asleep in the front sleep with my owner scratching between my ears. 

I woke up with the car door opening and my human getting out of the car. Come on out girl. I jumped down and he grabbed my leash. I don't like how you can't go anywhere when your on a leash. We went into what was called my owners house. I instantly jumped up on the sofa but he said ;no,down girl down; I didn't know what that meant until he pulled me off the sofa. After awhile I learned that the floor was my place in the house,as well as my crate. Then a hour or so later he came over and started saying names ;spot,no um.....sparkles,no.....Stella,,no man this is hard,wait how about Sofia,I perked at this name,I liked it.; ;Sofia it is then; I had a name,my tail was wagging so hard,because I was so happy. So after that he started telling me to come while saying my new name. I learned when he said,;come Sofia; I had to come. I also learned tricks really quickly like sit,stay,lay down,and shake. He also taught me that I had to go to the bathroom outside. This happened two days later when I peed on the carpet. He cleaned it up and said ;bad dog;and I felt like a bad dog. He then brought me outside and had me do my business in a specific area. The house didn't have a fence so he always brought me out on a leash. We had a pattern in the day,outside,train,eat,and sleep,when he broke the pattern.

One day he woke up early and said,;got to go to work,Sofia,be a good dog. He left and of coarse I followed him out the door,;no,stay;I stood there but he didn't say come,and I was confused. He got in his car and drove away,I wasn't going to wait for him to say come. I was going with him if he liked it or not. I saw how he opened the doors all the time,and it looked simple. I stood on my hind legs,I was still short being a puppy and all,but if I could just reach a little higher... And there i had a hold of the handle,I gripped it in my teeth and pulled down. The door clicked and it was open! I pushed the door with my nose and made a opening big enough for me to squeeze threw. Then I was free of the house. I sprinted to were I had last seen his car,and took a big sniff. There I could smell his scent,it was faint but traceable. I started following my nose,after about an hour I got to a road,not the rocky road I had been following but one of those black paved roads. I was just about to cross it when I felt a rum billing beneath my feet shaking my whole body,I jumped back in surprise when a huge truck flew by! After that I smelt and herd what was coming before crossing. My human had turned on to the black road. I sprinted all the way to a intersection when I herd a loud honking right behind me and the same rumbling feeling. I turned to see a big truck coming straight towards me. I yelped and jumped to the grass just in time. I saw a smaller white sidewalk and decided to take this instead,it looked a little more dog friendly. After another of full sprint,well sometimes I stopped to chase a squirrel of two,i made it to a building with a ton of shiny new cars parked in front of it. I followed my humans car scent all the way to this place. I followed my nose until I found his car parked in the back parking place. After that I followed his scent to another door with a handle. I did what I did before and stood up on my hind legs and grabbed the handle in my mouth and pulled down,the door clicked open and I pushed it with my nose,I then saw a red light go off. I left the light alone and followed my humans scent,when I herd ;there is a dog in here,who's dog is that; I didn't care I was here for my human and my human only. I followed his scent to another door when I felt a long yank on my collar and a voice,with sounded like a female human grabbed my collar.;I got her,now who do you belong too?;I didn't like that unfriendly tone and tried to pull away,but she held tight. She reached out a hand and grabbed my tags. ;Oh it's Jon binsons dog,I didn't know he had a dog!; After that she knocked on the door,and my human came and opened it,;what I'm......Sofia what are you doing here?!You didn't know your dog was here?; ;No I left her in my house with the door closed I don't know how she had gotten out.; ;Sorry,I'll take her home,and I'll be gone for the rest of the day; ;wait,we're do you live?; ;I live ten miles away from here,I don't know how she got here and I tend to find out.; Then he knelt down,my tail was wagging really hard,I licked his hand when he tried to grab my collar. He then pulled me back the way I had came and opened the car door and told me ;come on Sofia jump in. I jumped in the front passenger seat. On the way home he kept saying,;how did you get there girl I wagged my tail every time he said this. When we got home he set up a little machine by the door,that he called a video camera. When he left early the next day I tried to follow him but he said,;no and stay I stayed until he was far out of sight and then did the trick I had taught myself called open the door,and followed my old scent trail. By the time I got to the car place it was about lunch time. I opened the back door with the flashing light and let myself in. When I got to the door I herd the same ladies voice,;that dog is back!" And she came and grabbed my collar and knocked on my humans door. He came out,;now what.....oh man how did you get here again? ; he didn't seem to happy to see me so I coward like a bad dog,I hadn't done anything wrong so why wasn't he happy to see me?;I'll take her home,sorry you guys I don't know how she keeps coming here. When we left his spirits rose,;I'm going to see how you do it Sofia,and then there will be no more getting out of the house. When we got home he pulled the camera down and opened it up,;we'll you look like you Are staying like I told you to,wait why are you standing on your hind legs,wow how did you learn how to open the door you doodle dog,you are so smart. I wagged my tail at his happiness. The next day he locked the door when he left so when I tried to open the door,I couldn't. I started pacing,there must be another way out! I went to the back door,I remembered him pushing it sideways when he went out with me so I could do my business. So I stood on my hind legs like with the door and instead pushed as hard as I could with my front paws,and the door slowly went sideways until there was a big enough whole for me to fit through. I bolted out the door,I had wasted to much time in the house. I ran more and stopped for squirrels less this time. Ounce I got to the car place I opened the back door and went in,but when I got to the door I herd the same voice,;oh my gosh,the dog is back,he should lock her in a crate.; Then there was a new one,;did you see the video he had brought in with how she had gotten out of the house. She opened the front door all by herself,you should watch it.;then the same lady knocked on my humans door,and he opened it saying it's her again isn't it,I locked the front door before I left.; He then took my home and pulled out the video camera,wow you opened the sliding glass door,you are so smart. That night he gave me a little more food then usual,; I'm getting you a fenced in yard so you can't get out anymore you know that right I wagged my tail. The next morning he left for work. This time he locked both doors. I had a hard time finding an Exit this time,but I soon found one. When I was walking in my humans room I saw he had left the window open. I got a running start and jumped I hit the wall,and that hurt a lot. I tried and tried and tried,until I decided to take a different tactic. I saw the bed....I knew I wasn't supposed to go on it but I decided I wouldn't be on it long anyway. I took a running start and used the bed as a pushing off surface,right when I landed on the bed I jumped off and made it threw the window. I hit the ground with a thud. I got up and went even faster this time to the car place. When I got inside I herd the same voice,;how did she get out this time?;and I felt the same grab on my collar. When my human opened the door he seemed very surprised to see me. I locked all the doors how did you get out? I wagged my tail and jumped on him and began licking his face,okay okay let me get my coat Sofia he had said. When we got home I started to limp and when he saw me limping he came over to me,are you okay girl what did you do? Wen he saw the tape he became even more anxious,;how did you not hurt yourself more when you hit the wall hard so much,wow and you have powerful legs. With that me and him went on a car drive to the white cage,and I got examined by the vet. The vet said,;she has a slight sprain,but mostly cuts,and bruises. Will have to give her a shot to make her sleepy so she doesn't walk on it so much,make sure she doesn't walk a lot as well. You know you have a pretty smart dog,you should do some dog sports with her,it will get her a good workout and tire her out.; ;Okay I guess I Will,and doc ;yes what if its sort of your fault your dog got hurt,I leave Every morning until three,and she always is looking for a way to follow and I think that's how she hurt herself ;I don't think it's your fault your dog just loves you,and wants to be with you all the time.; The next day he didn't get up early,I tried to wake him up because he was going to be late for work,but he always said,;stop Sofia its the weekend,go chew on a toy,or sleep I would always walk away. I finally herd a noise,he finally was getting out of bed! I walked over but he said lie down so I lied down then he gave me food,which today had pink circles in it that tasted bitter,so I only ate two then went around them to my real food. After that I felt a little tired and went to a corner and fell asleep,when I awoke my human was gone! How long have I slept? I started to panic,but stopped when I saw him in the back yard with other male humans putting up posts,and more posts that were smaller In between the bigger ones. He called it a fence. It went really far into the back yard,and had no openings on either side. When the the humans left there was like a barrier all around the backyard about as tall as my human,and he was pretty tall,he said he was 6foot but I don't know what that means. After that he opened the door and called me into the backyard. I had never been off my leash in the backyard before! It was a amazing,I could of stayed out there for hours when my human said,;you are already limping less and looking better,but you still have to come in and with that we went inside. After that day I had fallen asleep and slept two more times. The next day he drove me to a small building and called it agility class,I thought we had went for him but I was wrong. When I walked in I saw four other dogs two golden retriever one boy,and one girl,and a sheltie(Shetland sheepdog)and one poodle. The sheltie was a boy and the poodle a boy as well. We then sat down and this guy talked to are humans. After that we went through a training session,we were up in a starting circle,when are human said go I had to go throughout a coarse and do all the obstacles,at each one we learned what to do at it. There was a jump ,tunnel ,platform ,seesaw ,water, stepping hill,and a durable jump. We were first taught the jumps,I caught on quickly but the first Time I did it I thought I had to go around the jump. I soon was taught all the tricks,we went to the place every Saturday. On Monday he left me in the backyard before he left and locked the sliding glass door. I couldn't find a way out,but soon noticed that the shed he had was really close to a trash an/dumpster I could vault off the dumpster onto the shed over the fence. I tried this but once I got up on the shed I was really high up,I rocketed myself off the shed to the ground but when I landed I landed terribly on my bad leg and screamed,my foot like cracked underneath me. I wasn't able to get up,but I had to see my person,I forced myself up even though I had a searing pain in my paw,I walked on three feet because my foot was sticking out on a odd angle. I made it to the car place but was very late,I got there around 1:45 pm,and when I got to the door it took a lot of effort to open it. When I limped in,the lady screamed when she saw me this time,;oh,my gosh no oh my poor puppy,Jessie come here quick,I was so tired I collapsed and only remember hearing my human come out and say,;oh my gosh,noooooo; I fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up I was so weak I could barely stand,and my foot had odd white thing on it. I also had cords sticking in me as we'll,I nearly jumped up when I noticed my owner gone,when he walked into the room. ;Oh,your up thank goodness,I can't believe you jumped off the roof of the shed,that was not very smart,and then you even went to my work with a broken and disconnected foot.; I tried to wag my tail but it only flinched. Every day after that he came to visit me,I felt stronger everyday,when one day he said,;Sofia try to stand come on come on I tried to get up,and this time It was possible. The vet came in and Carried me gently to a warm water machine,she put me in and the floor underneath me while I was in the water started going down,when my feet were no longer touching I started to swim,;this is a swim incubator for dogs to use when in rehab.;she should go on it twice everyday,to get stronger.; I then felt the floor back under me after what felt like hours,really only 25 minutes. My human then took me home,he carried most of the way. He didn't go to work that week he just stayed home with me. ; Im thinking of changing my job,and working with you as a service dog instead so I don't have to leave you anymore.; I wagged my tail. After a month of sitting around doing nothing he brought me to this place he called,;a hospital, you are going to make people happy by just letting them pet you and do tricks for them. Right when I walked in I smelled sickness and sadness,it made me want to make everybody happy. I began pulling on my leash but my human said no very sharply causing me to heel. We walked past a lot of people and went inside a room,were I smelled sickness and a child about 12 was sleeping in his bed. I could tell this child was in his last days,so I went over and laid my head on the bed. The child woke up and started coughing really bad,this made me jump up and start licking his face,instead of coughing he began to laugh,when I had first jumped up my human tried to grab me until the child started to laugh. Seth hasn't laughed since he was sick,this is a good sign the doctor in the room has said. The boy pet me and I did tricks for him,;you had a very good idea of bringing a dog in to make people happy. ;Thank you miss doc,after that we went to a couple more rooms and I made more kids happy,I could already feel the sadness lifting off the shoulders,by the end of the day kids and adults were trying to get out of there hospital rooms to see me. My owner then got a great idea. ;Doc how about me and Sofia come in tomorrow and I'll perform agility with Sofia in front of all the patience,it seems to be helping them to get better.; ;Sure said the doctor,that's a great idea. So the next day my human took me over to the agility place and had asked the owner of the building if he could borrow the

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