Chapter 15: A Titan Offers Us Tea

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An arrow whizzed past my head and hit the remaining bear twin in the mouth. He looked surprised for a moment before crumpling into golden dust.

"Brother! Nooooo!" wailed Agrius before being hit in the stomach by Raiden's axe.

There was a chorus of war cries and thunderous hooffalls. A second later, twelve wild centaurs burst from a stairwell. All of them had a palmino, chestnut, or bay coat. Some of them wore bright t-shirts that said PARTY PONIES: SOUTH FLORIDA CHAPTER. All of them were armed with baseball bats, paintball guns, or bows. One centaur was shirtless and wearing boxing gloves and a taco hat. Another carried a Styrofoam hand that said #1 Pony and a metal bat, which had smiley faces painted on it.

The centaurs erupted onto the deck with such spirit and color that even Luke was startled for a second. He raised his sword but didn't act in time before he was hit in the chest by the boxing-gloved centaur and sent crashing back into Aidan.

"Get some!" yelled the smiley-faced centaur, swinging his bat and knocking three empousa into Miami Bay.

Luke's troops were too surprised to act. Or they just might've been too scared. I mean facing a wild stallion was frightening enough, but when you were doing it with a centaur who was wearing googly eyes, it was completely petrifying.

The centaurs unleashed their paintball guns. Blue, red, yellow, and orange flew everywhere, blinding several monsters. Those who did try to attack the centaurs slipped on the paint and smashed into the deck. Chiron galloped over the where Annabeth and Grover lay on the deck, grabbed them, and placed them onto his back.

"Attack, you idiots! Attack!" screamed Luke. He attempted to stand but was sent crashing into a deck chair by a flying baseball.

His troops were regaining their strength and drawing spears and swords. An alarm bell sounded from somewhere within the ship. I knew that we were going to be badly outnumbered within seconds.

"Withdraw, brethren!" shouted Chiron.

"You won't get away with this!" bellowed Luke.

A centaur wearing googling eyes and a cowboy hat galloped over to where I was firing a barrage of arrows into the horde of monsters.

"Get on, dude!" he shouted, bending down so I could mount.

I whistled and Agro came dashing over, still holding an empousa leg in her mouth. Zade followed suit, clutching a helmet in his talons, which he dropped on Aidan's foot as he passed. I jumped up onto the centaur's back, held my arms out, and Agro jumped into them, while Zade settled on my shoulder.

"Let's go!" Chiron shouted, and the centaurs galloped to the edge of the deck and jumped off the guardrail.

"What are you doing?" Percy yelled. "We're gonna smash into the pavement!"

Miraculously, we didn't; the centaurs dropped 100 feet toward the docks and landed on the asphalt without batting an eye. We galloped off, with the centaurs hollering taunts at the Princess Andromeda and whooping as we dashed down the streets of downtown Miami. Buildings and streets blurred as we passed them and the centaurs picked up speed. It felt as though space were compacting. After about an hour of travel, we reached a horse trailer park at the edge of a lake.

While we had been riding, I had willed myself to heal. My bruised ribs and ankle wound had mended, but the giant gash from the lightning strike was still hurt to high Hades. I had concentrated all my remaining power on the lightning strike wound, willing it to heal, but it had refused to; if anything, my attempt to mend the wound had made it worse.

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