Fire Rescue practice

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As the alarm rang, all emergency personnel ran towards their lockers. The room is right near the kitchen, so they should be ready within seven seconds. That's how long a firefighter usually needs to dress up. Usually, they leave their boots and fire resistant trousers right near the closets to gain time, but not them. In the Senshado Fire Prevention Service, firefighters have a habbit of keeping their trousers and boots on. That way, it takes them only two seconds to dress up, reducing the response time to 25 seconds. While the minimum response time is 40 seconds, the reduction of that time gives them a great advantage. That way, they can prevent fires and disasters much earlier from happening.

As soon as they have all dressed up, they run to the fire trucks and start the engines and roll out of the depots with their lights flashing and their old style sirens wailing. These sounds never get old for them. In fact, they are more than excited to hear that sound, cause it always reminds them that they will always be needed, regardless of when. There will always be fires to tackle and people to rescue, and that's what gives a firefighter a purpose, even if that means they have to risk their own lives.

As soon as the vehicles exit the depots, they roll a few meters away, make a right turn and stop in front of a burning replica of a T-6 Texan aircraft. This is all part of an exercise which includes tackling an aircraft fire and rescuing the pilot from inside the cockpit. This is the fifith time the fire marshal has decided to try this sort of rescue as it has never been tried before. Since most Senshado schools have very few aircraft in their arsenal, the accidents were so minimal to even zero, that nobody thought of practicing that sort of fire rescue mission. Well, now it's time for the marshal to put them back in order and discipline.

As soon as the vehicles stop, everybody except the drivers and the co-drivers, who get on top to the water cannons, get off and grab a fire extinguisher each while one of them takes out a metallic saw. Instead of opening the canopy, the most sensible thing to do is to cut the glass and get the pilot out. It's much safer rather than trying to open the canopy, which could be stuck. Sure there is the danger of sparks ingiting the fire once again, which is why they will use the water cannon if things go south.

They approach the flaming aircraft and shoot foam around the canopy while the firefighter with the saw cuts the canopy open with another firefighter standing at the other side, ready to pull the victim out. Normallly, it would require at least a squad of six to seven firefighters to put out the fire in a modern aircraft given how quickly jet fuel burns, but because this is just an exercise and this is a small replica with an artificial fire, they use only three extinguishers and only two crash tenders. Since this is a simulation of a very realistic accident, the crash crews need to be extra ccareful. They don't just attack the fire directly while there's a trapped victim inside as there is a risk of frying him alive. First they pull him out and then they tackle the flames.

After about 50 seconds, the canopy is cut open and the victim is released. With the said victim pulled away from the burning aircraft, the medics begin the procedure of getting the pulses back. First they begin giving CPR. In this exercise however, they have to assume it is not effective, so after they give CPR a few times, they move to the next phase, which is providing oxygen from a portable size D cylinder.

-'Pulses stable', yells one of the medics that is holding the oxygen mask.

Within 20 minutes after the victim is pulled out, the fires are out. The crews for some reason all feel exhausted. This the first time in seven months that they have conducted such a simple yet so specific exercise. Compared to other fire rescue drills they have done, this should be pretty simple for them. Yet, for some reason, it's like they ran to a marathon. And that is because they had to be extra careful. After all, it's aviation fuel they were dealing with in this exercise, they can't just use foam however they think it's appropriate, and they know that.

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