17. keep fighting

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"Now, go, Oliver!" Lucas yelled, and Oliver pulled the trigger, shooting Bayon right in his eye.

I leaped out from my hiding spot just in case he still lived. And it's a good thing I did because he was.

"Watch out, Nigel!" I jumped at him and pushed him aside from Bayon's spear.

Right after, Bayon went for Lucas who was holding a gun right at Bayon's face. Blind to the demon's hand coming to his side. "Lucas!" I yelled.

When the gun went off, I flinched. For the first time in my life when hearing a gun, I flinched. And when I opened my eyes, Bayon's body crumbled right in front of me, and Oliver was standing in front of Lucas, a hand latched to his stomach.

"Lucas, are you hurt?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine," he replied.

"Oh my god," I whispered, struggling to stand. "Oliver."

Oliver looked at me and a smile crawled onto his face. "I'm glad you're safe."

I shook my head and rushed over to him as he collapsed. "Oliver. Hey, wake up. Open your eyes, Red."

"Oliver!" Nigel and Lucas yelled, rushing up to us.

"Y/n," Nigel whispered, pulling me away as Lucas lifted Oliver onto his back. "Let's go, we need to get him treated."

"I flinched," I whispered, standing up. "I never flinch."

Nigel didn't say anything but instead helped me walk to the ladder. The children there immediately started setting up the items to treat Oliver. Lucas set him down gently on the mat set out for him. "We need to operate on him," he said. "Nigel, Y/n, grab antiseptic and gauze,"

We both ran into the storage room and came out with the materials Lucas requested.


I spotted Gillian lying on a mat, her wounds all treated. "Gillian," I whispered, walking over to her. "How are your wounds?"

"Better," she smiled.

"Gillian, you're okay," Nigel cheered.

"Hey–" she winced.

"Don't talk, Gill. You need to rest and heal. Pepe is heading to where Zack is, and Oliver's badly injured, but the good news is that we killed Bayon."

"Yeah," I nodded. "That son of a bitch is dead."

"We've only got two minutes left, I'm going with Emma, where we'll end it and come back for you all."

"I should head to Zack as well," I said. "I need to make sure he's okay."

"No," Lucas said, still focusing on Oliver's wounds. "You need to go with Emma as well. We're already falling short on people. Pepe has Zack, go back up Emma and Nigel. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," I nodded. It was an accident that I realized right away. A habit that built up over the years I've spent with Peter. He never allowed me to call him by his name and always told me to call him 'Sir.'

He froze for a second and then cleared his throat. "Nigel, if it's an emergency, do as I told you. I'm counting on both of you to come back here, alive."

"Yes sir," Nigel and I said before departing from the windmill and heading to the town square, quickly grabbing Gillian's gun and taking it with me.

Before arriving, Nigel said that because we didn't account for my entrance this early, I would stand by and wait unless both of them were down or until he gave me a signal– three shots fired back to back.

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