Sick Of It

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He knew he should have worn heavier clothes but his pride had gotten in the way yet again.

It had been raining outside all day but Anti wanted to go out and get McDonalds, craving a nice shitty burger and fries. 

He was starving!

Okay, maybe that was being a bit dramatic but that's what it felt like to HIM.

Before he could get into the foyer closet to grab his jacket, though, Chase stopped to bullshit with Jackie about some stupid thing or other right in FRONT of the closet door!

'Fuck' Anti stopped halfway down the stairs, debating whether or not he should just go back to his room or not.

Him and the others still didn't quite get along yet much to Sean's disappointment. 

After the fiasco that was Project Iris, Henrik had run a series of experiments on him. Some went better than others. A lot ended with someone near death.


'I guess I DO have to take the blame for THAT'

At the time, he was just scared and trying to defend himself. He was new and angry and didn't know what else to do.

But in the end, he learned how to calm them down and make them stop treating him COMPLETELY like a wild animal. He just had to stay calm and stay the FUCK away from them.

He didn't want to freak them out or else he was afraid Henrik would want to run more experiments.

Anti knew by now, they didn't WANT to hurt him. They didn't know they had hurt him at all. They just thought they were helping him. Fixing him.

How wrong they were.

And it wasn't as if they'd take HIS word for it. Hell they barely let him speak to them at all.

In Henrik's mansion, the Septic House, he barely even existed to them.

But even if there was that 'invisibility', some of the egos had no problem at all expressing how much they disliked him.

Chase, for example.

In his fear and panic at trying to free himself, Anti MIGHT have threatened the man's family along with hurting his 'brothers'.

That's why when Chase saw him on the stairs coming down, Anti wanted so bad to just sink into the shadows and fade away. But he wasn't Dark, so he couldn't do that.

And no, he couldn't just run to Dark and live with him. They didn't exactly get along the best, either. Anti had tried to escape in his domain, not knowing any better and Dark took it as a challenge. So then Anti of course felt like he had to challenge him back.

That was stupid.

So here he was now, making a split decision. 

'I really want that burger' 

He let his hunger win over and he finished walking down the stairs. But instead of stopping to get into the closet for his jacket, he briskly walked on by, avoiding eye and physical contact at all costs.

He could just barely hear Chase mutter to Jackie, though.

"Fucking freak. Bet he doesn't even feel anything, going out in the fucking rain like that."

He was just wearing a black T-shirt and jeans. He WANTED to grab his jacket but Chase's animosity towards him warded him away. He just wasn't brave enough.

Jackie just chuckled at Chase's jab, not bothering on defending Anti. Why would he? He was the HERO and Anti was the Villain, supposedly, right? At least, that's probably how Jackie saw things. He was polite enough when it was just them in a room but with anyone else around, that was all thrown out the window.

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