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Author's pov:

Throughout the day yn was trying to avoid him but however she realised it's not possible anymore because being the secretary she had to talk to him but yes she made sure whatever the conversation she would had with him it's either related to the work or his schedule not more than that

It was almost the time for them to leave from work, she packed her stuffs and went out of cabin on the way to get in the lift. She saw jungkook was already waiting for the lift and when she was about to turn her heels to avoid him, he saw her.

Fuck my life.

Cussing under her breath she straightened herself and walked to the elevator, she didn't even spare a glance and had a straight face the whole time.

Jungkook looked at her and sighed, the elevator stopped on their floor and the door opened, both of them was about to enter on the same time and bumped into each other, they looked at each other for a while and  yn immediately looked away, she noticed jungkook didn't enter the elevator either so she immediately got inside to avoid the awkward moment.
Both of them got inside the elevator and she pressed the 'G' button. Waiting for the  ground floor to come, yn wanted to escape the place it was even suffocating her to be around on the same place with him. However she was calm  the whole time, jungkook on the other hand wanted to
Talk to her about few things but seeing her cold behaviour hhe gave up on the idea.

There was a rod attached to the elevator wall jungkook rested his hand on it and cracked his neck. He was holding his phone rhe whole time and without his notice his screen lit up and it caught yn's attention, she looked at the wallpaper and it was the photo of jiyeon holding a baby and jungkook had  his one hand wrapped around them.

Her shattered into pieces, she was there at the lift and numb didn't   even blink once, her eyes were getting blurred cos of tears. She remembered the day when she caught them together making out, her breath was getting uneven, she rubbed her and got a hold of herself, jungkook noticed that and frown, he looked at her and there were sweat beads formed on her forehead, he took a step towards her and with a concerned laced voice asked her
"You ok"? She looked at him with heavy breath and the feeling of loathe was actually getting more looking at him.
She nodded at him and said " Yea completely fine " She said and looked down and tried calming her nerves down, she got the handkerchief from her bag and wiped her forehead and the tears which were about to fall down, there was a ding sound and the elevator door opened, she immediately got out of the elevator and without looking back she hurried her steps outside of the building. Jungkook was just looking at her in confusion,

Women are so damn confusing.

Sighing, he walked outside of the building and made his way to the parking lot, he then notices a figure in the corner, and it was none other than Yn, she had her eyes closed and leaned against the car, held her arms crossed and was massaging her  temple,

I don't think she would take help from me, just  get inside tbw car and wait for her to  drive back home that's all you can do.

Sighing he got inside the car and was watching her every second..
She wiped away the tears which didn't go unnoticed by him and after a while she got inside the car and started the engine and drove away from there.
Frowning he was staring at the staring wheel and recalled the moment in the elevator sighing he couldn't properly comprehend what  was the exact reason why she behaved this way, soon enough a notification popped up on his mobile phone and it was from his friend asking about his whereabouts, he slid it to the right making the notification to vanish from the screen.

He smiled at his wallpaper and then it clicked him what exactly must have happened in the elevator, he slapped his forehead and cussed under his breath.

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