The Start of an Adventure

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In Van Helsing's lab, Van Helsing was looking at the crack in the crystal 

well, it's broken, the crystal's cracked and it's beyond repair said Van Helsing as he turned to Autumn and Johnny who was holding Dracula in his hands

what! exclaimed Autumn as Dracula fell out of Johnny's hands and he stood up 

then get a new one! exclaimed Dracula 

whoa, someone's feeling better said Johnny as Autumn face palmed

these crystal's are very rare and hard to come by, it took me three years to find that one, you see i was a young monster hunter at the time, well not too young but i felt young said Van Hesling 

ok, don't need the whole story said Dracula as Johnny was petting Gigi

Van Helsing, we need another crystal, i don't want to speed the rest of my life as a human with fox ears and a tail, plus i can't even use my powers anymore said Autumn 

well luckily for you, i was brilliant enough to install a locator on the ray for this situation said Van Helsing as he pushed a button and a holographic globe appeared and it showed the location of the crystal 

there it is! exclaimed Van Helsing as he looked at the red dot where the crystal is located 

South America! exclaimed Dracula 

oh cool, i was there once spelunking with some Norwegian wrestlers, we can just pop down there and get a new one exclaimed Johnny 

hold on Johnny, it won't be that easy, we might need to get pass obstacles to get to the crystal said Autumn 

Autumn is correct, my friend, first you must travel through the treacherous jungle, survival's doubtful, then down the perilous river said Van Helsing as she showed them the jungle and river on the map

whoa said Johnny and Dracula, Autumn wasn't really surprised because her ancestors used to live in forests and jungles, they were humaniod foxes, the wild was their home

until you reach the Cave of the Reflextion said Van Helsing as Dracula looked shocked when he said the name of the cave 

where entering is deadly and escape is impossible! it, it, it cost me my right back wheel said Van Helsing as he showed them a pink wheel replacing his old black original wheel 

uh sorry for you loss said Dracula but it was more of a question as the map disappeared and Van Helsing handed the ray to Dracula 

well happy hunting said Van Helsing as Dracula groaned 

this is a disaster! exclaimed Dracula as he looked down 

well this is technically your fault Drac, you have just told the actual surprise but nope, you decided to do something other than that said Autumn as Dracula groaned again and Johnny patted his head

don't worry Drac, we'll get you and Autumn but to your old selves, but first i better tell Mavis we're going said Johnny as he was leaving to go find Mavis 

oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you can't tell Mavis said Dracula as he got infront of Johnny and he was trying to stop him from telling Mavis 

why not asked Johnny 

yeah Drac, why can't he tell Mavis, she can help us said Autumn as she crossed her arms infront of her chest 

uh because uh you know, if you do, then uh she will want to come with us, and- and i was thinking that this could a-a father son and friend/wife uh bonding type of thing, yes said Dracula as he chuckled 

you know, just the three of us said Dracula 

really, awesome! exclaimed Johnny as he went to hug Dracula but Dracula held up his hand 

hold up, hold up, there'll be plenty of hugs on the trip said Dracula as Autumn rolled her eyes, she wasn't falling for the bonding trip, she knew Dracula was lying about something 

all right, time to go, not a moment to waste said Dracula as he was getting ready to fly

uh Drac- but Autumn was cut off when Dracula tried to fly but he ended up falling onto the ground 

right, still human said Dracula as Autumn laughed a little 

meanwhile in the party room Wayne, Frank, Griffin and Murray were entering the party room 

i-i don't know it took me by surprise, it's kind of an improvement said Frank as they entered the party room 

right, i don't Johnny looks way better as a monster said Wayne 

yeah, there's a good looking guy in there and doesn't Autumn look adorable with having only the fox ears and tail asked Griffin 

definitely, and the green really brings out Johnny's eyes said Murray as Frank phone started to vibrate and he pulled it out from his jacket

hey it's Drac, going to find crystal to fix ray to turn us back to normal, don't tell Mavis said Frank as Wayne groaned

Drac always does this, i hate getting caught between him and Mavis said Wayne 

what should i write back asked Frank 

how about no we're nit covering for you anymore said Murray 

yeah, now that you're human, you can't do nothing about it said Griffin 

go do your own dirty work for a change buster said Wayne 

ok got it said Frank as he typed on his phone 

send said Frank 

what! exclaimed Wayne, Murray and Griffin 

you actually sent that! exclaimed Wayne 

oh man, we're in trouble now said Murray 

nah, i just sed him a jif said Frank as he showed them a cat gif making them frown and Blobby walked over 

oh hey Blobby, check it out said Frank as he showed Blobby the cat gif 

Blobby made some cat ears appear on his head and he copied the cat gif making Frank laugh 

that's a nice one Blobby said Murray 

hey here's to Blobby said Griffin as he scooped up some of the green water and he started blubbering, startling Blobby 

no, Bl-Blobby, i just said here's  a toast to a bunch of great guys, what does he think i said asked Griffin as Blobby glared at him 

cheers said Griffin as they all toasted their drinks and they drank the green water, suddenly Murray's stomach started growling and he started to change

something is happening said Murray as he watched his mummy hands change, Wayne was loosing his fur, Griffin nose was started to appear and Frank was loosing his stitches and his hair was turning into human hair 

what's going on asked Frank as he watched the last of his stitches disappear, Murray screamed until he changed into an old egyptian guy 

what the said Murray  

Wayne lost all of his fur

my fur! exclaimed Wayne as he turned into a human with a beard and Griffin was becoming more visible 

oh, no, no, what's this you guys, oh i'm balding said Griffin as he was now a human but he didn't have any clothes on 

naked! exclaimed Murray and Wayne 

huh asked Griffin as he looked at himself and he screamed while trying to cover himself, the three guys were screaming until they heard Frank's voice

wow, what's up fellas said Frank as he took a picture of his handsome human self 

ooh said Murray 

oh, he got the worst of it said Griffin until they heard Blobby 

Blobby's stomach was growling and he was starting to change freaking the guys out until Blobby turned into a normal plate of jello making the guys scream

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