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Seungcheol squared his shoulders, frustration etched on his face as he confronted his father, Choi Hanseo.

"Dad, I've been trying my best, but it feels like nothing I do is ever enough for you!"

Hanseo's expression remained stern, dismissing Seungcheol's words.

"Trying your best? Look at your track record! Irresponsible and incapable – those are the words that describe you."

Seungcheol's temper flared, a mix of hurt and anger in his voice.

"You never acknowledge any of my accomplishments. I've worked hard to prove myself, but it's like you're blind to anything positive."

Hanseo scoffed, shaking his head.

"Accomplishments? What accomplishments? All I see is a trail of mistakes and missed opportunities."

Seungcheol clenched his fists, determined to stand his ground.

"I'm not perfect, but I'm not the failure you think I am. You can't keep comparing me to some idealized version of who you want me to be."

Hanseo's eyes narrowed as he retorted.

"You need to face reality. Life doesn't wait for those who can't handle their responsibilities. I expected better from my own son."

Seungcheol's voice rose, a mixture of frustration and desperation.

"Maybe if you actually supported me instead of constantly tearing me down, I could achieve more! I need your belief in me, not this constant criticism!"

Seungcheol recoiled from the force of the slap, a mixture of pain and disbelief in his eyes. He straightened, his own anger intensifying.

"You think hitting me will solve anything? You're just proving my point!"

Hanseo's eyes flashed with frustration, his voice sharp.

"I'm doing this because you're not seeing the reality! Wake up, Seungcheol!"

Seungcheol's face twisted with a raw mix of emotions, his voice strained.

"I won't let you dictate my worth with violence. I deserve respect, not this!"

The room seemed to vibrate with tension as father and son faced off, the emotional turmoil escalating with each exchanged word and action. In the suffocating stillness of their home, Seungcheol's gaze met Hanseo's with a mixture of fear and resentment. The room seemed to shrink as Hanseo's presence filled every corner, casting an oppressive shadow over the dimly lit space. Seungcheol's hands trembled as he spoke, the words carrying the weight of years of unspoken pain.

"I wish you were gone!"

Seungcheol's voice quivered, the words escaping like a plea for liberation. The atmosphere crackled with tension as Hanseo's eyes narrowed, a storm brewing in the silence between them. Hanseo's face contorted with anger, and he advanced, a menacing figure in the cramped room.

"You ungrateful brat!"

He spat, his words cutting through the air. The walls seemed to close in as the confrontation intensified. Seungcheol, cornered but defiant, locked eyes with his father. The toxic dance of their relationship played out in the charged atmosphere, leaving scars on the fragile fabric of their connection. Each moment stretched, a battlefield of emotions fought in hushed whispers. The echoes of a broken relationship reverberated in the room, both father and son grappling with the pain that had woven itself into the very fabric of their lives. The heaviness of regret and resentment lingered, hanging in the air as an unspoken truth that neither was ready to confront.

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