A New Chapter

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Back in H/T, Y/N and M/N were walking in the cemetary towards Y/N's fathers grave

M/N: He always knew you were meant for greater things, and when the day came your shoulders would be able to bear the weight

They stopped in front of the headstone as Y/N crossed his arms and smiled at the memory of his father

Y/N: Yeah I just wish he could've been here to see it finally happen

M/N smiled at her sons words as she remembered when Y/N was a boy and he would put on a makeshift cape and run around the yard, playing with the dog imagining he was saving the day.

M/N: He saw it Y/N, believe me

Y/N looked over at his mother and smiled before pulling her into a hug which she graciously accepted. 

M/N: So what are you going to do when you're not saving the world? Have you given any thought to that?

Y/N: I have actually, Mr.Stark, or Tony offered me a job at Stark Industries where I can keep my ear to the ground. Where people wont look twice, when I want to go somewhere dangerous or start asking questions. I have a room in Avengers tower, but I would like to get my own place once I'm financally stable enough. 

As they walked back to the house, they saw a familiar red head standing by the porch. Y/N smiled at the sight of Natasha who had just arrived before walking up to her, she did the same before the two collided and embraced each other, Y/N picking her up and spinning her around causing her to laugh. 

M/N laughed at the sight of her son happy with a woman he cares for deeply, and it brought a warm feeling in her heart that he felt accepted.

Y/N and Nat closed the distance with M/N while holding hands.

Y/N: Mom, this is my girlfriend, Natasha Romanoff

M/N and Nat smiled at each other before shaking hands

M/N: It's so nice to finally meet you Natasha

Nat: Likewise Mrs. L/N

M/N: Please call me M/N, thank you for caring about my son

Nat: Thank you for raising such an incredible man

The three then walked inside the house for dinner and other plesantries

New York

Y/N left his room dressed in buisness casual clothing, he had on a plad shirt with a tie and a black jacket. He got into an elevator that was going to one of the lower floors, before he forgot he put on a pair of glasses he would use to disguise himself.

Y/N stepped off the elevator and was greeted by Tony who gave him a firm handshake

Tony: Welcome to Stark Industries Y/N, how're you feeling?

Y/N: Honestly? A little nervous, I don't know if I'm smart enough to be here

Tony put a hand on Y/N's shoulder before walking through the hallways with him

Tony: I'll tell you a little secret Y/N, most of the people here think the same way you do now. But do you know why they're here? Because they earned their place here, and while you may have earned it a different way then they have you have earned it nonetheless. Got it?

Y/N was hesitant for a moment but eventually smiled and nodded at the billionare

Tony: Great, now lets get to work.

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