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                                                        Song :Haunted | Beyoncé

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Song :Haunted | Beyoncé



My head feels like it's about to fall off my shoulders.

I groggily groan, rolling over onto my stomach and pushing my face into my pillow. It feels like my head is being beat in with a hammer, repeatedly.

I have the urge to choke up the contents of my stomach from yesterday, but hold it down.

I'm never drinking again.

I sit up, grimacing at the sight of mascara on my pillow. I cant even imagine what I look like- and I don't want to.

What the fuck happened to me last night?

I sit up with a small grunt, holding a hand to my head as I feel it spinning, and my stomach start to hurt.

The last thing my mind could somewhat come up with was getting into a car, with Harrison.

I use my hands to push myself up further, until my lead lies back against the head of my bed frame.

How could I have got this drunk? I don't even drink anymore!

I shakily pick up my phone. "Hey, what's up?" It dials for a moment before I hear Harrison's voice on the other end.

I clear my throat. "Oh- hey." I mumble, holding my free hand to my head as if it would calm the aching sensation.

He hums. "You sound like trash girl." He chuckles, and I hear movement on the other end.

I close my eyes with a sigh. "I feel like trash." He hums in agreement. "Hey- do you know what happened last night?" I question softly.

I hear shuffling, before Harrison's worried sounding voice is coming through. "You-" He sighs. "You don't remember?"

I shake my head, forgetting he can't see me. "No, nothing." I hear a sigh of frustration.

"Fuck." He groans.

I hold my stomach as I stand up, hunching over from the pain "Am I supposed to after getting pass-out drunk?" I say snarkly.

God I'm such a bitch when I'm hungover.

I go to say more in a bitchy like tone, but reconsider when I hear a man's voice.

Not Harrison's.

Shuffling is heard through the phone. "Uh- I gotta go m'sorry." Beep.

My lips pat, and I slowly lower the phone away from my ear.

The hell?

I roll my eyes, somehow standing up straight with a heavy weight on my head. Now I have to figure out what the fuck happened last night.

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