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"No no, I think this would be more feasible" one trainee "Jihoon" suggests.

Esther- "Right, that would become an obstacle but there is nothing else that could match this synth mix."

Esther had quickly formed bonds with all the trainees, staff and other music aspirants, every single one of them and had begun collaborating with them on music production projects. She admires their dedication and creativity, and together they work to refine their sound and style.

Jihoon- "Why don't we merge the previous track with this synth mix?"
Esther- "Go ahead."

Loud ear piercing, bulky notes surrounded the green basement and the studio.

The studio was a hive of creative energy, bustling with activity and alive with the hum of machinery and equipment. From the moment one stepped through the door, the air crackled with anticipation, echoing with the harmonious blend of music and conversation.

The walls were adorned with soundproof panels, their geometric patterns absorbing stray echoes and lending the space a sense of intimacy despite its vastness. Soft, ambient lighting bathed the room in a warm glow, casting gentle shadows that danced across the surfaces of sleek, equipment.
In one corner, a sleek mixing console gleamed under soft light, flanked by plush couches for collaboration. Neatly organized shelves held cables, microphones, and gear, reflecting the glow of computer monitors. At the room's centre, a spacious recording booth awaited, with soundproof walls.

Although the equipment was not state-of-the-art kind and there was some improvement required. Amidst the poor facilities and controlled chaos, a sense of purpose and passion permeated the air, uniting everyone in a shared pursuit of sonic perfection. Here, in this temple of sound, dreams took shape and melodies came to life, bound only by the limits of imagination.

"What was that?"
"How would I know?" some trainees had a banter.

Jihoon- "Ah, I told you it won't work."
he blurts out as if he wasn't the culprit.

Esther- "Hm, sorry it was my fault. My apologies Producer Nim."
she said exaggerating.

Jihoon- "Look at you right now, do you think you'll debut with this attitude?"
"Kids these I swear to god-"

Esther- "Enough, we have a deadline to meet. We can't afford to waste more time."
Jihoon- "Okay, I'll be serious now."
Esther was eyeing him in a short moment of silence, "I will really be serious now, not kidding"

Esther- "How about we change the bpm or dismantle it completely?"
Jihoon- "We can experiment."

Working for Esther was like applying freezing ice to soothe her fresh wounds. The wound this foreign country and the people gave her. As Esther is training to become a producer for Pledis's new groups, she is struggling to balance her personal and work life.

As passionate as she is her passion costs her a lot, in monetary terms as well.

Esther lives on a roof, not quite literally but on the top floor of a house that you can call a 'roof'. The house had two stories, she lived on the uppermost level of a house one of which had four walls on one side of the floor that had a living area, one crammed room with a bathroom and an induction stove for the sake of a kitchen and the other side open with a balcony or more of a railing offering views of the not so pleasant surrounding area.

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