6 Days after

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It was the day before valentines. Of course it had to. The stupid wretched holiday that single people would rue as the cute couples would dance and be romantic and go on dates. And of course she had to miss out on all of that.

"Stupid... fucking... valentines shit!" Isabella said, as she put on her uggs boots, her heavy backpack making things 100 times worse. "God, it's so cold..." she said, putting her hands into the pockets of her brown sweater, shivering slightly. She looked at her phone, and it had been 6 days since anyone had texted her. After her crush essentially rejected her, she felt gloomy, and not like the usual cool girl type gloomy that she had on her half of the time. She was just an average girl whose life has been average, with average looks but a decently smart mind. If only her brain worked to figure out that he just wasn't interested in her. That she shouldn't have been salty if it was just clear that he didn't like her. But it was. And she hated it. Of course, it would be real cliché if they did get together, the two smartass asian kids with a height difference of .625 inches together, probably discussing their homework. And honestly, even with that cliché, she would have preferred it over being rejected and realizing that she was always the one to text first, so her social life became horrid and terrible as she barely even talked to anyone other than her parents and her sisters, let alone spend time with them. All she'd do nowadays was crochet in her room, silent while listening to music. She got into the car with her mom, driving to school. She didn't speak a word the entire trip and just continued to stare at the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2024 ⏰

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