𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮̶𝐧̶𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐱-𝐮𝐩 (𝟑/𝟓)

600 18 4

Weeks pass without a single word from Natasha. Honestly, you're relieved about that — this way you're able to focus on work, studying and your friends. Miles (luckily) barely remembers anything about Natasha, so he doesn't question you about her.

You spend your days at the café or the university. Most of the time you're in the library, studying for exams and perfecting your CV. You sometimes meet up with Miles and Elle, and you study together so we don't have to be alone. Your days at NYU are coming to an end. Thinking about it makes you sad, and you often think about the years you've spent here. You'll miss it almost as much as you're happy to finally leave.

"It's April", Miles greets you when you walk into the café. "You know what that means?"

"April fools?", you ask jokingly.

"Sure. And we're graduating soon." He bumps you in the shoulder and grins. "We're done! We're finally done! No more school, no more exams-"

"Now we just have to work until we retire and then we die. Great." You put on your apron and tie it back, then you wash your hands. "Come on, we're opening soon."

. . .

At first, you don't notice the signs. You don't feel the ground shake and you don't hear the screams outside. You don't see the people running past the building. In fact, it takes the radio hosts announcing breaking news for you to finally know what is happening.

'We just got the news that Loki, an Asgardian, is on his way to New York. Apparently he's bringing the Chitauri, his henchmen, and they're about to attack the city. The Avengers are on their way as well. We'll do your best to keep you updated.'

You stare at Miles. He stares right back at you.

"What?", you ask with a monotone voice, unable to express any of the debilitating emotions you're starting to feel in that moment.

"Oh no." He looks around as the customers are starting to freak out; a little girl begins to cry and all the adults are staring out the window, their eyes wide and full of fear and anticipation of what's to come. "What do we do?"

"I don't know- do we leave? No, right?"

"That wouldn't be the best idea. Look." Miles points outside — it is absolute chaos. The Chitauri are flying past on their vehicles, destroying everything around them with their weapons. Glass shatters when they hit one of the windows of the café.

You notice the people around you panicking. "Stay calm", you try to say, but no noise comes out of your mouth. There's a kind of pressure on your throat, making it unable for you to speak. You swallow as you stumble towards the door, seeing people run away from the Chitauri.

Your heart is beating fast and hard as you stand there, even paler than usual. You feel the ground shake once more, making you stumble away from the door and back towards the counter.

Miles is standing there, calling his parents. They live in New York too, unlike your mom, so he wants to make sure they're okay. "Mhm, yeah. I'm at work...No, it's fine for now. Is dad-? Yeah, okay...Love you too, bye." He hangs up, his eyes empty. "My dad got injured." He blinks a couple of times. "I- I hope he'll be alright."

"I'm sorry", you say.

"It'll be okay, don't worry."

You look outside again, now seeing someone else pass — Captain America and Iron Man, Hawkeye and...

"Natasha", you whisper. She looks into the café, searching for something. Then, when she spots you, her eyes widen. She yells something at the others, then suddenly runs into the café. Her hair is messy and you notice a bleeding cut on her bottom lip. "What-"

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