The attack

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That day when they neighboring castles attacked us I was moved from my position as guard into the battlefield. I would never forget that day all my comrades died in that field and my kingdom, my castle gone, the king and my family assassinated.

Three years after that day I started a new life in one of the neighboring castles called "Tybalt" from there I was dedicated to finding the assassins. I've gotten some information for strangers in the tavern that there were assassins in this city.

After joining the army he had more resources to find the assassins. So he searched for them in the lower parts of the city, where the low life's lived. When he got there he hated it all the thieves and blood. It only reminded him of the war...

"We've found then sir" said the one of the messengers the brave knight shouted, "Where are they!".

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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