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Her room looked exactly the same, except for the messiness. A pile of dresses and skirts was scattered all around the floor. We stood in front of her bed, and the only source of light was the street lamp that exactly shone into her room.

I wanted to begin our conversation, but the strange sound from her closet alarmed both of us. She looked at me panicky as if she were hiding a monster in there. She opened the closet door to find a girl with long pink hair sitting in the bottom corner. She looked drunk.

Madeline grabbed her by the arm with zero gentleness, seating her at the edge of the bed. Madeline looked furious, and I'd never seen her frown like that. After all, we didn't know each other that well.

"I went looking for you, but you weren't where I thought you might be, so I opened this huge door and fell inside." The girl said, giggling. Madeline had to hold her shoulder as she wasn't able to sit straight.

Madeline simply shook her head with a sigh. But when her eyes analyzed the girl's outfit, her hand flew across the girl's cheek. I gasped in shock.

"What the fuck are you wearing?!" Madeline burst out, but the girl's mouth turned into a grin. She wasn't angry or scared of Madeline. She looked like she enjoyed the slap.

"Isn't this outfit so slutty?" The girl said, grabbing her breasts. At first, I didn't understand, but then I took a better look at what she was wearing, and I was taken aback. She was wearing a see-through top, and on top of it was a lace bralette with chest straps. The only thing she was wearing at the bottom was her panties.

"Get changed," Madeline commanded her.

The girl quickly left the room, leaving us alone. When her gaze shifted to me, I slightly flinched.

"What did you want to talk about?" She wondered with a sweet, innocent smile, but that well masked what was beneath it. Something she didn't want me to discover, but now I did.

"About your absence, I thought something happened to you," I said.

"Well, if you were so worried about me, why didn't you call me? You have my number." She roamed her fingers through her crimson-red hair.

I had no good argument against that.

"What? Did you lose your tongue?" She provoked. In the blink of an eye, she stood in front of me, attaching her hand to my back.

"You can't keep doing this..." I kept pushing against her chest to stay away from her.

"What am I doing? Is it sinful to you?" She whispered into my ear when my hands couldn't keep her away. She sounded outraged and displeased, and her touch was rough. I ducked my head, as I didn't want to look into her eyes.

I could feel my heart racing as I tried to think of an answer. I felt guilty, but I also felt tense about this whole ridiculous situation. I stammered, trying to find the words to explain it. Finally, I managed to say, "W-Why are you like this?"

She chuckled and drew me harder against her body. Her chest was rising up and down quickly. And the only sound that was heard was the subdued music coming from the living room. Her breath was shaky and weak, tickling my ear.

Her hands shifted on my arms, and their squeeze was hurtful. It was like she had to bore her fingertips into me, otherwise she would collapse. For a brief moment, I thought she was about to squish me. It hurt too much.

As soon as I tilted my head upright, her hand blocked my vision, and with her free hand, she turned me around. Then her touch was gone.

I swung around to see where she went, but she was nowhere to be found. The doors were fully opened, and in a couple of seconds, the girl who was sent off to change stood on the threshold.

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