The ultimate truth

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(note: so I wrote this like two weeks ago before I knew that Lily's light wasn't the light of Truth it was the light of freedom I will be fixing it in the newer chapters don't worry about it)

“Reborn against nobody's will but my OWN”

It screamed as she emerged from the ultimate dough holding The moonstone and the light of Truth it has found the truth the ultimate truth and she was GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

Just an hour ago it was white lily the hero of Truth on her way to the banquet, the crack between the worlds of the witches and of cookies. her pitter patter steps were unnoticeable as it climbed through the first kitchen she held her bags tight as it climbed through the kitchen finally finding a spot to reveal itself to ask questions to find the truth. then she saw what they were doing and her body froze up, it felt like she was in the the cacao Kingdom for the first time again, it couldn't help but stand there and watch

The witches cackled as they talked about recipes, praising each other's baking, sipping tea while those cookies just waited and watched. None of them screamed as they were bitten into, dunked into tea, getting cracked in half, and they kept smiling while the witches talked about baking and eating cookies so casually. It was normal for for them to create these conscious beings to eat

created to be eaten, to be consumed, to be destroyed, so this is what they worshiped for thousands of years, these were the godly creators?

The godly creators weren't godly of all, they were sadistic monsters who created them for consumption! she needed to tell others they needed to know the truth about what they wasted their lives over.

She felt anger and pain boil inside of her to tell the others. It needed to show them the truth, she didn't care if they didn't want to hear it, the truth was the truth.

She had to get out of here, It had to spread the truth. It was about to start running she stepped on her dress and lost her balance

At the last moment she catches herself, barely. she is about to tell others but before it could go it heard something interesting

“So like, are we going to do anything with the ultimate dough?”

“Why would we?”

“Yeah and it's for an important occasion, it's power should only be used sparingly!”

“Yeah you remember what happened to those cookies…”

“I know I know but I'm just saying it would be kind of fun to see what would happen to harness its immense power to actually experiment with it.”

“No too risky!”

“…Actually maybe we can try.”

The witches argued between them but Lily's attention was drawn into the big cauldron of purple dough. It could feel its power even from this far, a power that she could use for the cookie kind to save more cookies from the same fate and help the ones who are already in Earth bread she just needed a sample. It needed to show what the cookies were capable of.

To use godly creators weapons against them, she felt so much in that moment, determination, sadness, and anger. angered that the witches had tricked them, angered so many cookies have already been lost as she channeled all of that

It shed her bags removing a small cup with her other hand It held the moonstone and the light of truth hoping that they will keep her together and then it jumped

İt was far thicker than she expected but it was fine, it could still swim out of this. She just had to focus all of the research potential and just keep swimming until she heard the witches and it started boiling.

“İt became thicker” she felt herself thinking no one she couldn't do this, she tried to swim to no avail and then it started burning.

First its legs and then its entire body. she was boiling, she was drowning, she was dying, the pain was unbearable and it couldn't open her eyes was this the end

it couldn't ever help another cookie again, she couldn't tell everyone, vanilla who would be heartbroken, the Eaten will never see retribution, it would have disappointed everyone, the witches would have won. It felt herself slipping away

No, the light of Truth said she still had the moonstone…no it had to get through this, she isn't going to just run away, not this time, it's going to harness the power of the ultimate dough

And then she felt it, the power flowing through it the same way that it felt when she gained it's soul jam she wasn't afraid anymore, no it felt strong, it felt happy, and she felt angry. now it had the power she raised from the ultimate dough

And so did every single pastry at the table, she couldn't see it but she could hear it, it could feel her power and her presence over them, and the only one command she made was attack

It slowly started to open her eyes as Its vision clicked into place. she watched as all of the cakes attacked the witches, those three wretched disgusting creatures. she couldn't read their faces but it knew that she had instilled fear into them.

It watched, enjoying relishing in the chaos, in her power, in her new capabilities. she laughed over and over, until the witches were no more, until their cackles or screams were no longer heard.

She gave a satisfied smirk and looked at the new army that it had created. she gave one more command stop, a job well done and then the pain started returning as she felt her burnt hand losing their grip, her head was hurting

Before she knew it she was laying on the table, the soul jam and the moonstone around her and she felt everything, the way that her dress was torn, all of the places that she was burned. it stared at the ceiling that was so high.

Everything was quiet except for…footsteps. small delicate footsteps. she's slowly try to sit up to look around to find the source and then it finally did, she just stared.

A little kid look to be around 5, maybe 6 with short brown hair with red streaks. they had a lot of cracks missing on his arm and an eye he had wrapped himself with her cloak, and it was approaching her

it looked around the table for a little, realizing that they were the only cookie survivors. she opened her arms accepting them, that must be so scary for a little boy

He finally got to her, they looked confused at the gesture. of course, he had just been baked, they probably dont know what a hug is. but she still took him into a hug

“So what is your name, little one?”

They didn't answer but seemed to melt into its touch. after a few seconds he started to remove the cloak and wrapped it around her and then something took his attention from behind

She also turns around looking at it. it's their reflection on the cauldron that started everything. she looked at her Burns, her horns, her missing eye

But it's still her after everything, it is still her the same red eyes, the same white hair, and the same sent, but somehow it doesn't bother it anymore

The little cookie sat down next to her and she extended its cloak and then they put his hand on her arm, it burned and it hurt but it didn't matter.

This kid was the only other Survivor, the the other conscious being who witnessed all of this at such a young and delicate age.

She smiled looking at him, they both survived, they're both going to thrive, she's going to make them thrive, she is going to love them unconditionally.

So this is how holly and cacao felt…he quickly fell asleep on her arm she wished she could sleep too but she had things to do, research doesn't wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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